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This vignette provides worked examples and explanations for fitting single-species and multi-species hierarchical distance sampling (HDS) models in the spAbundance R package. We will provide step by step examples on how to fit the following models:

  1. HDS model using DS().
  2. Spatial HDS model using spDS().
  3. Multi-species HDS model using msDS().
  4. Multi-species HDS model with species correlations using lfMsDS().
  5. Spatial multi-species HDS model with species correlations using sfMsDS().

In this vignette we are only describing spAbundance functionality to fit HDS models, with separate vignettes on fitting N-mixture models and generalized linear mixed models. We fit all models in a Bayesian framework using custom Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samplers written in C/C++ and called through R’s foreign language interface. Here we will provide a brief description of each model, with full statistical details provided in a separate vignette. As with all model types in spAbundance, we will show how to perform posterior predictive checks as a Goodness of Fit assessment, model comparison and assessment using the Widely Applicable Information Criterion (WAIC), and out-of-sample predictions using standard R helper functions (e.g., predict()). Note that syntax of distance sampling models in spAbundance closely resembles syntax for fitting occupancy models in spOccupancy (Doser et al. 2022), and that this vignette closely follows the documentation on the spOccupancy website.

To get started, we load the spAbundance package, as well as the coda package, which we will use for some MCMC summary and diagnostics. We will also use functions in the stars, ggplot2, and unmarked packages to create some basic plots of our results. We then set a seed so you can reproduce the same results as we do.

Example data set: Birds in the southeastern US

As an example data set throughout this vignette, we will use distance sampling data from the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON). Here we use data on 16 bird species collected in 2018 in the Disney Wilderness Preserve in Florida, USA. Briefly, data were collected at 90 sites where observers recorded the number of all bird species observed during a six-minute, unlimited radius point count survey once during the breeding season. Distance of each individual bird to the observer was recorded using a laser rangefinder. For modeling, we binned the distance measurements into 4 intervals (0-25, 25-50, 50-100, 100-250), removing all observations >250m away. We removed all species with less than 10 observations, leaving us with 16 species observed across the 90 sites. More on the study location can be found on the NEON website. The data are provided as part of the spAbundance package and are loaded with data(neonDWP). See the manual page using help(neonDWP) for more information on the species included in the data. Note that the neonDWP data set was updated in spAbundance v0.1.1 after NEON discovered an error in the processing of the data (more details here), and so if you are running this vignette with spAbundance v0.1.0 you will get slightly different results.

# Load the data set.
# Get an overview of what's in the data
List of 5
 $ y          : num [1:16, 1:90, 1:4] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 3
  .. ..$ : chr [1:16] "EATO" "EAME" "AMCR" "BACS" ...
  .. ..$ : NULL
  .. ..$ : NULL
 $ covs       :'data.frame':    90 obs. of  4 variables:
  ..$ wind  : int [1:90] 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 ...
  ..$ day   : num [1:90] 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 129 ...
  ..$ forest: num [1:90] 0.18 0.0962 0.0577 0.1569 0.08 ...
  ..$ grass : num [1:90] 0.2 0.192 0.192 0.216 0.22 ...
 $ dist.breaks: num [1:5] 0 0.025 0.05 0.1 0.25
 $ offset     : num 19.6
 $ coords     : num [1:90, 1:2] 458629 458879 459129 458629 458879 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : NULL
  .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "easting" "northing"

The object neonDWP is a list that is structured in the format needed for multi-species distance sampling in spAbundance. Specifically, neonDWP is a list comprised of the distance sampling data for the 16 species (y), covariates to include on either abundance and/or detection (covs), the break points of the distance bands (dist.breaks), an offset (offset), and the spatial coordinates for each site (coords). Note the coordinates are only required for spatially-explicit HDS models. The three-dimensional array y consists of the distance sampling data for all 16 species in the data set, where the dimensions of y correspond to species (16), sites (90), and distance band (4). For single-species distance sampling models in Section 2 and 3, we will only use data for the Eastern Towhee (EATO), so we next subset the neonDWP list to only include data from EATO in a new object dat.EATO.

sp.names <- dimnames(neonDWP$y)[[1]]
dat.EATO <- neonDWP
dat.EATO$y <- dat.EATO$y[sp.names == "EATO", , ]
# Number of EATO individuals observed at each site
apply(dat.EATO$y, 1, sum)
 [1] 2 1 2 3 1 0 0 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 0 3 1 3 3 0 1 4 0 0 0 1 2 0
[39] 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 1 3 2 3 4 3 1 1 3 2 0 2 1 1 2 4 3 2 4 3 3 7 5 5 1 0 2 0
[77] 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 1

We see that EATO appears to be quite common across the 90 sites.

Single-species HDS models

Let \(N_j\) be the true abundance of the species of interest at site \(j = 1, \dots, J\). Following the HDS model introduced by Royle, Dawson, and Bates (2004), we model abundance following

\[\begin{equation} N_j \sim \text{Poisson}(\mu_jA_j), \end{equation}\]

where \(\mu_j\) is the expected abundance at site \(j\) and \(A_j\) is an offset. In distance sampling, the offset term will usually correspond to some measure of area sampled, hence the use of the notation \(A_j\). Note that with this definition, if an area offset is supplied when fitting the model, the estimates of \(\mu_j\) will correspond to abundance per unit area (i.e., density), while the estimates of \(N_j\) correspond to point-level abundance, regardless of whether or not an offset is supplied. Note that spAbundance also supports a negative binomial distribution for abundance, which will have an additional dispersion parameter \(\kappa\), such that low values of \(\kappa\) denote large amounts of overdispersion, and as \(\kappa \rightarrow \infty\), the NB model becomes the Poisson distribution.

We model \(\mu_j\) as a function of spatially-varying covariates with a log link function. More specifically, we have

\[\begin{equation} \text{log}(\mu_j) = \boldsymbol{x}_j^\top\boldsymbol{\beta}, \end{equation}\]

where \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) is a vector of effects for covariates in \(\boldsymbol{x}_j\) (including an intercept)

We assume data come from observers that count the number of individuals of the species at any given location (i.e., a line transect or point count survey) and record the distance to the line/center of the point count survey of each bird within a set of \(k = 1, \dots, K\) distance bands. Note that if continuous distances are reported, they can be post-hoc binned into a set of \(K\) distance bands and fit with the package. Define \(\boldsymbol{y}_j\) as a vector of \(K\) values indicating the number of individuals observed within each distance band \(k\) at site \(j\). Similarly, let \(\boldsymbol{y}^\ast_j\) be a vector of \(K + 1\) values, where the first \(K\) values correspond to \(\boldsymbol{y}_j\), and the last value is the number of unobserved individuals at that location (i.e., \(N_j - \sum_{k = 1}^Ky_{k, j}\).) Note that the last value in \(\boldsymbol{y}^\ast_j\) is not observed (i.e., since \(N_j\) is not known). We model \(\boldsymbol{y}^\ast_j\) according to

\[\begin{equation} \boldsymbol{y}^\ast_j \sim \text{Multinomial}(N_j, \boldsymbol{\pi}_j^\ast), \end{equation}\]

where \(\boldsymbol{\pi}_j^\ast\) is a vector of \(K + 1\) cell-specific detection probabilities with the first \(K\) values denoted as \(\boldsymbol{\pi}_j\) and the last value \(\pi^\ast_{j, K + 1} = 1 - \sum_{k = 1}^K\pi_{j, k}\). More specifically, the \(k\)th value in \(\boldsymbol{\pi}_j\), \(\pi_{j, k}\), is the probability of detecting an individual in the \(k\)th distance band at site \(j\). We define \(\pi_{j, k}\) as

\[\begin{equation} \pi_{j, k} = \bar{p}_{j, k}\psi_{k}, \end{equation}\]

where \(\bar{p}_{j, k}\) is the probability of detecting an individual in distance band \(k\) at site \(j\), given the individual occurs in distance band \(k\), and \(\psi_{k}\) is the probability an individual occurs in distance band \(k\). Following the standard distance sampling assumption that animals are uniformly distributed in space, for line transects, we have

\[\begin{equation} \psi_{k} = \frac{b_{k + 1} - b_k}{B}, \end{equation}\]

where \(b_{k + 1}\) and \(b_k\) are the upper and lower distance limits for band \(k\), and \(B\) is the line transect half-width. Additionally for line transects, we have

\[\begin{equation} \bar{p}_{j, k} = \frac{1}{B}\int_{b_k}^{b_{k+1}}g(\text{x})d\text{x}. \end{equation}\]

For circular point count transects, we have

\[\begin{equation} \psi_k = \frac{b^2_{k + 1} - b^2_k}{B^2}, \end{equation}\]

where \(b_{k + 1}\) and \(b_k\) are similarly the upper and lower distance limits for band \(k\), and \(B\) is the radius of the full point count circle. We then define \(\bar{p}_{j, k}\) as

\[\begin{equation} \bar{p}_{j, k} = \frac{1}{B^2}\int_{b_k}^{b_{k+1}}g(\text{x})2\text{x}d\text{x}. \end{equation}\]

For both line transects and point count surveys, \(g(\text{x})\) is some function of distance \(\text{x}\) from the transect line/center of point count survey. spAbundance currently supports two detection functions: half-normal and negative exponential. Both of these functions are governed by a scale parameter \(\sigma_j\), which can vary across sites to allow detection probability to vary across spatial locations. We can then model \(\sigma_j\) as

\[\begin{equation} \text{log}(\sigma_j) = \boldsymbol{v}_j^\top\boldsymbol{\alpha}, \end{equation}\]

where \(\boldsymbol{\alpha}\) is a vector of regression coefficients for covariates \(\boldsymbol{v_j}\) (including an intercept).

To complete the Bayesian specification of the model, we assign normal priors to the abundance (\(\boldsymbol{\beta}\)) and detection (\(\boldsymbol{\alpha}\)) regression coefficients, and a uniform prior for the negative binomial overdispersion parameters (if applicable).

Fitting single-species HDS models with DS()

The DS() function fits single-species distance sampling models. DS() has the following arguments:

DS(abund.formula, det.formula, data, inits, priors, tuning,
   n.batch, batch.length, accept.rate = 0.43, family = 'Poisson',
   transect = 'line', det.func = 'halfnormal',
   n.omp.threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, = 100, n.burn = round(.10 * n.batch * batch.length), n.thin = 1,
   n.chains = 1, ...)

The first two arguments, abund.formula and det.formula, use standard R model syntax to denote the covariates to be included in the abundance and detection portions of the model, respectively. Only the right hand side of the formulas are included. Random intercepts and slopes can be included in both the abundance and detection portions of the HDS model using lme4 syntax (Bates et al. 2015). For example, to include a random intercept for different observers in the detection portion of the model, we would include (1 | observer) in the det.formula, where observer indicates the specific observer for each data point. See the N-mixture modeling vignette for an example of fitting models in spAbundance with random effects. The names of variables given in the formulas should correspond to those found in data, which is a list consisting of the following tags: y (distance sampling data), covs (covariates), dist.breaks (breakpoints for distance bands), offset (an optional offset), and coords. y should be stored as a sites x distance bin matrix, covs is a matrix or data frame with site-specific covariate values, dist.breaks is a vector of length equal to the number of columns in y plus one comprised of distances that denote the breakpoints of the distance bands, and offset is an offset that can be used to scale estimates from abundance per survey to density per some desired unit of measure. The dat.EATO list is already in the required format. Note that we have four covariates in covs, which includes an ordinal measure of the amount of wind during the survey (0 is low, 3 is high), the day the survey took place, and the amount of forest cover and grassland cover within a 1km radius circle around the point count location. Here we will model abundance as a function of forest and grassland cover, and model detection probability as a linear function of wind (and of course by distance, since that is what distance sampling does). Note that although wind is measured as an ordinal variable, here we make the simplifying assumption that the effect of wind on detection probability takes a linear relationship as the ordinal variable increases, which reduces the number of parameters we need to estimate. Notice that we use the scale() function to standardize all the coefficients in the model such that their mean is 0 and standard deviation is 1. This is often useful for obtaining convergence of our MCMC models.

abund.formula <- ~ scale(forest) + scale(grass)
det.formula <- ~ scale(wind)

Notice the dist.breaks element in dat.EATO consists of five values:

[1] 0.000 0.025 0.050 0.100 0.250

These values correspond to the distance cut off values (in km) for the 4 distance bins in our distance sampling data. An important point to mention is that when fitting distance sampling models in spAbundance, the models can be somewhat sensitive to initial values of the detection parameters, which is a result of the initial values resulting in an invalid likelihood. This is particularly true when the distance breaks take large values (e.g., 100). Thus, we recommend converting the units of distance breaks to a value that is as small as possible, but still makes sense. For example, we originally calculated the distance breaks values for this data set in meters, but we then divided them by 1000 to give the distance break values in km instead. Note that if bad initial values are supplied to a distance sampling model, the underlying functions will select new initial values that do not result in an invalid likelihood, and so this will generally not be a problem that you encounter when fitting a model, but there could be situations when the functions do not successfully catch bad initial values.

The offset in this case takes value 19.63, which will put the estimated regression coefficients on the scale of individuals per ha rather than individuals per point count. To see where the value comes from, recall we are using 250m (.25km) radius point count surveys and that the area of a circle is \(\pi r^2\), with \(r\) being the circle’s radius. To get our estimates on a per hectare scale, we set our offset to the area in km\(^2\) then multiply it by 100.

# Offset to switch from km2 to ha <- .25
pi *^2 * 100
[1] 19.63495

Next, we specify the initial values for the MCMC sampler in inits. DS() (and all other spAbundance model fitting functions) will set initial values by default, but here we will do this explicitly, since in more complicated cases setting initial values close to the presumed solutions can be vital for success of an MCMC-based analysis. The default initial values for abundance regression coefficients (including the intercepts) are random values from a standard normal distribution. The initial values for the detection regression coefficients are random values from a Uniform(-10, 10) distribution. If an invalid starting value for the detection regression coefficients is drawn (or specified by the user), spAbundance will report a message saying it is trying a different starting value (also drawn randomly from a Uniform(-10, 10)), and will continue to do so until it finds values that do not result in an invalid likelihood. The default initial values for the latent abundance effects are set to the total number of individuals observed at that site. When fitting a HDS model with a negative binomial distribution, the initial value for the overdispersion parameter is drawn from the prior distribution. Initial values are specified in a list with the following tags: N (latent abundance values), alpha (detection intercept and regression coefficients), beta (abundance intercept and regression coefficients), and kappa (negative binomial overdispersion parameter). Below we set all initial values of the regression coefficients to 0, initial values for the overdispersion parameter to 1, and set initial values for N to the total number of observed individuals at each site. For the abundance (beta) and detection (alpha) regression coefficients, the initial values are passed either as a vector of length equal to the number of estimated parameters (including an intercept, and in the order specified in the model formula), or as a single value if setting the same initial value for all parameters (including the intercept). Below we take the latter approach. For the negative binomial overdispersion parameter, the initial value is simply a single numeric value. To specify the initial values for the latent abundance at each site (N), we must ensure we set the value to at least the total number of individuals observed at a site, because we know the true abundance must be greater than or equal to the number of individuals observed (i.e., assuming no false positives). If the initial values for N do not meet this criterion, DS() will fail. spAbundance will provide a clear error message if the supplied initial values for N are invalid. Below we use the raw count data and the apply() function to set the initial values.

# Starting values
inits.list <- list(beta = 0, alpha = 0, kappa = 1, N = apply(dat.EATO$y, 1, sum))

We next specify the priors for the abundance and detection regression coefficients, as well as the negative binomial overdispersion parameter. We assume normal priors for both the detection and abundance regression coefficients. These priors are specified in a list with tags beta.normal for abundance and alpha.normal for detection parameters (including intercepts). Each list element is then itself a list, with the first element of the list consisting of the hypermeans for each coefficient and the second element of the list consisting of the hypervariances for each coefficient. Alternatively, the hypermean and hypervariances can be specified as a single value if the same prior is used for all regression coefficients. By default, spAbundance will set the hypermeans to 0 and the hypervariances to 100. For the negative binomial overdispersion parameter, we will use a uniform prior. This prior is specified as a tag in the prior list called kappa.unif, which should be a vector with two values indicating the lower and upper bound of the uniform distribution. The default prior is to set the lower bound to 0 and the upper bound to 100. Recall that lower values of kappa indicate substantial overdispersion and high values of kappa indicate minimal overdispersion. If there is little support for overdispersion when fitting a negative binomial model, we will likely see the estimates of kappa be close to the upper bound of the uniform prior distribution. For the default prior distribution, if the estimates of kappa are very close to 100, this indicates little support for overdispersion in the model, and we can likely switch to using a Poisson distribution (which would also likely be favored by model comparison approaches). Below we use default priors for all parameters, but specify them explicitly for clarity.

prior.list <- list(beta.normal = list(mean = 0, var = 100),
                   alpha.normal = list(mean = 0, var = 100),
                   kappa.unif = c(0, 100))

The next four arguments (tuning, n.batch, batch.length, and accept.rate) are all related to the specific type of MCMC sampler we use when we fit HDS models in spAbundance. The parameters in HDS models are all estimated using whats called a Metropolis-Hastings step, which can often be slow and inefficient, leading to slow mixing and convergence of the MCMC chains. To try and mitigate the slow mixing and convergence issues, we update all parameters using an algorithm called an adaptive Metropolis-Hastings algorithm (see Roberts and Rosenthal (2009) for more details on this algorithm). In this approach, we break up the total number of MCMC samples into a set of “batches”, where each batch has a specific number of MCMC samples. Thus, we must specify the total number of batches (n.batch) as well as the number of MCMC samples each batch contains (batch.length) when specifying the function arguments. The total number of MCMC samples is n.batch * batch.length. Typically, we set batch.length = 25 and then play around with n.batch until convergence of all model parameters is reached. We generally recommend setting batch.length = 25, but in certain situations this can be increased to a larger number of samples (e.g., 100), which can result in moderate decreases in run time. Here we set n.batch = 2000 for a total of 50,000 MCMC samples for each MCMC chain we run.

n.batch <- 2000
batch.length <- 25
# Total number of MCMC samples per chain
batch.length * n.batch
[1] 50000

Importantly, we also need to specify a target acceptance rate and initial tuning parameters for the abundance and detection regression coefficients (and the negative binomial overdispersion parameter and any latent random effects if applicable). These are both features of the adaptive algorithm we use to sample these parameters. In this adaptive Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, we propose new values for the parameters from some proposal distribution, compare them to our previous values, and use a statistical algorithm to determine if we should accept the new proposed value or keep the old one. The accept.rate argument specifies the ideal proportion of times we will accept the newly proposed values for these parameters. Roberts and Rosenthal (2009) show that if we accept new values around 43% of the time, this will lead to optimal mixing and convergence of the MCMC chains. Following these recommendations, we should strive for an algorithm that accepts new values about 43% of the time. Thus, we recommend setting accept.rate = 0.43 unless you have a specific reason not to (this is the default value). The values specified in the tuning argument help control the initial values we will propose for the abundance/detection coefficients and the negative binomial overdispersion parameter. These values are supplied as input in the form of a list with tags beta, alpha, and kappa. The initial tuning value can be any value greater than 0, but we generally recommend starting the value out around 0.5. These tuning values can also be thought of as tuning “variances”, as it is these values that controls the variance of the distribution we use to generate newly proposed values for the parameters we are trying to estimate. In short, the new values that we propose for the parameters beta, alpha, and kappa come from a normal distribution with mean equal to the current value for the given parameter and the variance equal to the tuning parameter. Thus, the smaller this tuning parameter/variance is, the closer our proposed values will be to the current value, and vise versa for large values of the tuning parameter. The “ideal” value of the tuning variance will depend on the data set, the parameter, and how much uncertainty there is in the estimate of the parameter. This initial tuning value that we supply is the first tuning variance that will be used for the given parameter, and our adaptive algorithm will adjust this tuning parameter after each batch to yield acceptance rates of newly proposed values that are close to our target acceptance rate that we specified in the accept.rate argument. Information on the acceptance rates for a few of the parameters in our model will be displayed when setting verbose = TRUE. After some initial runs of the model, if you notice the final acceptance rate is much larger or smaller than the target acceptance rate (accept.rate), you can then change the initial tuning value to get closer to the target rate. While use of this algorithm requires us to specify more arguments than if we didn’t “adaptively tune” our proposal variances, this leads to much shorter run times compared to a more simple approach where we do not have an “adaptive” sampling approach, and it should thus save us time in the long haul when waiting for these models to run. For our example here, we set the initial tuning values to 0.5 for beta, alpha, and kappa.

tuning <- list(beta = 0.5, alpha = 0.5, kappa = 0.5)
# accept.rate = 0.43 by default, so we do not specify it.

We also need to specify the length of burn-in (n.burn), the rate at which we want to thin the posterior samples (n.thin), and the number of MCMC chains to run (n.chains). Note that currently spAbundance runs multiple chains sequentially and does not allow chains to be run simultaneously in parallel across multiple threads. Instead, we allow for within-chain parallelization using the n.omp.threads argument. We can set n.omp.threads to a number greater than 1 and smaller than the number of threads on the computer you are using. Generally, setting n.omp.threads > 1 will not result in decreased run times for non-spatial models in spAbundance, but can substantially decrease run time when fitting spatial models (Finley, Datta, and Banerjee 2020). Here we set n.omp.threads = 1, and run the model for three chains to assess convergence using the Gelman-Rubin diagnostic (Rhat; Brooks and Gelman (1998)).

n.burn <- 20000
n.thin <- 30
n.chains <- 3

The family argument is used to indicate whether we want to model abundance with a Poisson distribution (Poisson) or a negative binomial distribution (NB). Here we will start with a Poisson distribution (the default), which we will compare to a model with a negative binomial distribution later. The det.func argument is used to specify the specific detection function to use for allowing detection probability to vary by distance. spAbundance currently supports two functions: half-normal (halfnormal) and negative exponential (negexp). Here we will use a half-normal detection function, but we could of course compare this function to a negative exponential using model selection criteria. The transect argument is used to specify whether the distance sampling data come from linear transects (line) or circular transects (point). Finally, the verbose argument is a logical value indicating whether or not MCMC sampler progress is reported to the screen. If verbose = TRUE, sampler progress is reported to the screen. The argument specifies the interval to report the Metropolis-Hastings sampler acceptance rate. Note that is specified in terms of batches, not the overall number of samples. Below we set = 500, which will result in information on the acceptance rate and tuning parameters every 500th batch (not sample).

We now are set to fit the model.

out <- DS(abund.formula = abund.formula,
          det.formula = det.formula,
          data = dat.EATO,
          n.batch = n.batch,
          batch.length = batch.length,
          inits = inits.list,
          family = 'Poisson',
          det.func = 'halfnormal',
          transect = 'point',
          tuning = tuning,
          priors = prior.list,
          accept.rate = 0.43,
          n.omp.threads = 1,
          verbose = TRUE,
 = 500,
          n.burn = n.burn,
          n.thin = n.thin,
          n.chains = n.chains)
    Preparing to run the model
    Model description
Poisson HDS model with 90 sites.

Samples per Chain: 50000 (2000 batches of length 25)
Burn-in: 20000 
Thinning Rate: 30 
Number of Chains: 3 
Total Posterior Samples: 3000 

Source compiled with OpenMP support and model fit using 1 thread(s).

Adaptive Metropolis with target acceptance rate: 43.0
    Chain 1
Sampling ... 
Batch: 500 of 2000, 25.00%
    Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    beta[1]     48.0        0.05376
    beta[2]     60.0        0.05270
    beta[3]     44.0        0.05709
    alpha[1]    44.0        0.07706
    alpha[2]    36.0        0.07862
Batch: 1000 of 2000, 50.00%
    Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    beta[1]     56.0        0.05485
    beta[2]     72.0        0.05063
    beta[3]     36.0        0.05376
    alpha[1]    40.0        0.07257
    alpha[2]    56.0        0.08348
Batch: 1500 of 2000, 75.00%
    Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    beta[1]     44.0        0.05709
    beta[2]     44.0        0.05596
    beta[3]     32.0        0.05485
    alpha[1]    40.0        0.08021
    alpha[2]    36.0        0.08689
Batch: 2000 of 2000, 100.00%
    Chain 2
Sampling ... 
Batch: 500 of 2000, 25.00%
    Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    beta[1]     32.0        0.05596
    beta[2]     44.0        0.05376
    beta[3]     28.0        0.05063
    alpha[1]    52.0        0.08021
    alpha[2]    44.0        0.08348
Batch: 1000 of 2000, 50.00%
    Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    beta[1]     52.0        0.05270
    beta[2]     68.0        0.05485
    beta[3]     32.0        0.05376
    alpha[1]    40.0        0.07706
    alpha[2]    56.0        0.08689
Batch: 1500 of 2000, 75.00%
    Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    beta[1]     48.0        0.05709
    beta[2]     56.0        0.05596
    beta[3]     48.0        0.05376
    alpha[1]    68.0        0.06835
    alpha[2]    40.0        0.08348
Batch: 2000 of 2000, 100.00%
    Chain 3
Sampling ... 
Batch: 500 of 2000, 25.00%
    Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    beta[1]     56.0        0.04963
    beta[2]     20.0        0.05063
    beta[3]     36.0        0.04865
    alpha[1]    32.0        0.08348
    alpha[2]    20.0        0.09043
Batch: 1000 of 2000, 50.00%
    Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    beta[1]     40.0        0.05485
    beta[2]     60.0        0.05166
    beta[3]     48.0        0.05709
    alpha[1]    40.0        0.07554
    alpha[2]    28.0        0.08183
Batch: 1500 of 2000, 75.00%
    Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    beta[1]     44.0        0.05596
    beta[2]     48.0        0.05063
    beta[3]     24.0        0.05376
    alpha[1]    32.0        0.08183
    alpha[2]    56.0        0.08689
Batch: 2000 of 2000, 100.00%

DS() returns a list of class DS with a suite of different objects, many of them being coda::mcmc objects of posterior samples. The “Preparing to run the model” section will print information on default priors or initial values that are used when they are not specified in the function call. Here we specified everything explicitly so no information was reported.

We next use the summary() function on the resulting DS() object for a concise, informative summary of the regression parameters and convergence of the MCMC chains.


DS(abund.formula = abund.formula, det.formula = det.formula, 
    data = dat.EATO, inits = inits.list, priors = prior.list, 
    tuning = tuning, n.batch = n.batch, batch.length = batch.length, 
    accept.rate = 0.43, family = "Poisson", transect = "point", 
    det.func = "halfnormal", n.omp.threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, = 500, n.burn = n.burn, n.thin = n.thin, n.chains = n.chains)

Samples per Chain: 50000
Burn-in: 20000
Thinning Rate: 30
Number of Chains: 3
Total Posterior Samples: 3000
Run Time (min): 0.2785

Abundance (log scale): 
                 Mean     SD    2.5%     50%  97.5%   Rhat ESS
(Intercept)    0.2146 0.1225 -0.0325  0.2169 0.4602 1.0113 211
scale(forest)  0.2337 0.0845  0.0690  0.2349 0.3980 1.0302 451
scale(grass)  -0.0067 0.0823 -0.1669 -0.0069 0.1548 1.0102 496

Detection (log scale): 
               Mean     SD    2.5%     50%   97.5%   Rhat  ESS
(Intercept) -3.0971 0.0438 -3.1823 -3.0973 -3.0128 1.0094  422
scale(wind) -0.0912 0.0334 -0.1553 -0.0917 -0.0261 1.0006 3000

Notice both the abundance and detection coefficients are printed on the log scale. Recall that since we included an offset in the data list, the abundance values are on the scale of individuals per ha. Thus, at average values of forest cover and grassland, our model estimates there are exp(0.21) individuals per ha, which is 1.24. We also see a positive effect of forest cover on EATO density, and essentially no effect of grassland.

The model summary also provides information on convergence of the MCMC chains in the form of the Gelman-Rubin diagnostic (Brooks and Gelman 1998) and the effective sample size (ESS) of the posterior samples. Here we find all Rhat values are less than 1.1 and the ESS values are substantially large for all parameters. The ESS values are also adequately high for all model parameters, indicating adequate mixing of the MCMC chains. We can further look at traceplots of different parameters to get a better sense of convergence. This can be done using the plot() function, which has three arguments for all spAbundance models: x (the resulting object from fitting the model), param (the parameter name that you want to display), and density (a logical value indicating whether to also generate a density plot in addition to the traceplot). To see the parameter names available to use with plot() for a given model type, you can look at the manual page for the function, which for models generated from DS() can be accessed with ?plot.DS.

Below we generate a traceplot for the three abundance coefficients.

plot(out, param = 'beta', density = FALSE)

Looking at the detection portion of the model summary, we see there is a negative effect of wind on detection probability, indicating that as wind increases, detection probability decreases, which is what we would expect. Interpreting the intercept detection parameter is a bit difficult and doesn’t itself provide us with a great understanding of how detection varies with distance. Instead, we can plot the relationship between distance and detection using our estimated parameter value. The below code generates a plot of detection probability versus distance (at the average value of wind). Notice we use the nifty gxhn() function from unmarked to get the estimated detection probability value for a given distance and scale parameter value when using the half normal function (see ?gxhn for more details). <- out$alpha.samples[, 1] 
det.quants <- quantile(exp(out$alpha.samples[, 1]), c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))

x.vals <- seq(0, .125, length.out = 200)
n.vals <- length(x.vals)
p.plot.df <- data.frame(med = gxhn(x.vals, det.quants[2]), 
                        low = gxhn(x.vals, det.quants[1]), 
                        high = gxhn(x.vals, det.quants[3]),
                        x.val = x.vals * 1000)

ggplot(data = p.plot.df) + 
  geom_ribbon(aes(x = x.val, ymin = low, ymax = high), fill = 'grey', 
          alpha = 0.5) +
  theme_bw(base_size = 14) +
  geom_line(aes(x = x.val, y = med), col = 'black', linewidth = 1.3) + 
  labs(x = 'Distance (m)', y = 'Detection Probability')

We see detection probability of EATO is quite high up to fairly moderate distances away from the observer (detection probability is 0.5 at about 55m away). This is perhaps not too surprising given the very distinctive “drink-your-tea” song of EATO.

Posterior predictive checks

The function ppcAbund() performs a posterior predictive check on all spAbundance model objects as a Goodness of Fit (GoF) assessment. The fundamental idea of GoF testing is that a good model should generate data that closely align with the observed data. If there are drastic differences in the true data from the model generated data, our model is likely not very useful (Hobbs and Hooten 2015). In spAbundance, we perform posterior predictive checks using the following approach:

  1. Fit the model using any of the model-fitting functions (here DS()), which generates replicated values for all observed data points.
  2. Optionally bin both the actual and the replicated count data in some manner, such as by site.
  3. Compute a fit statistic on both the actual data and also on the model-generated ‘replicate data’.
  4. Compare the fit statistics for the true data and replicate data. If they are widely different, this suggests a lack of fit of the model to the actual data set at hand.

We calculate the replicate values in two steps. We first predict a value of latent abudance at each site using the expected abundance at site \(j\) for each MCMC sample \(l\) (i.e., \(\mu^{(l)}_j\)), and then subsequently generate the estimated counts in each distance bin \(k\) at that site \(j\). More specifically, the replicate values are calculated as

\[\begin{equation} \begin{split} N^{(l)}_{\text{rep}, j} &\sim \text{Poisson}(\mu^{(l)}_j), \\ \boldsymbol{y}^{(l)}_{\text{rep}, j} &\sim \text{Multinomial}(N^{(l)}_{\text{rep}, j}, \boldsymbol{\pi}^{(l)}_j). \end{split} \end{equation}\]

Note the Poisson distribution is replaced with a negative binomial distribution if that is used to fit the model. This is what we call a “marginal” approach to calculating replicate data values. See our discussion in the N-mixture modeling vignette for further details on different approaches to calculating replicate values in hierarchical models.

To perform a posterior predictive check, we send the resulting DS model object as input to the ppcAbund() function, along with a fit statistic (fit.stat) and a numeric value indicating how to group, or bin, the data (group). Currently supported fit statistics include the Freeman-Tukey statistic and the Chi-Squared statistic (freeman-tukey or chi-squared, respectively, Kéry and Royle (2016)). For HDS models, ppcAbund() allows the user to group the data by row (site; group = 1) or not at all (group = 0). ppcAbund() will then return a set of posterior samples for the fit statistic (or discrepancy measure) using the actual data (fit.y) and model generated replicate data set (fit.y.rep), summed across all data points in the chosen manner. For example, when setting group = 1, spAbundance will first sum all of the count values at a given site across all distance bands at that site, then calculate the fit statistic using the site-level sums. When setting group = 0, spAbundance calculates the fit statistic directly on the count value in each site and distance bin.

The resulting values from a call to ppcAbund() can be used with the summary() function to generate a Bayesian p-value, which is the probability, under the fitted model, to obtain a value of the fit statistic that is more extreme (i.e., larger) than the one observed, i.e., for the actual data. Bayesian p-values are sensitive to individual values, so we may also want to explore the discrepancy measures for each (potentially “grouped”) data point. ppcAbund() returns a matrix of posterior quantiles for the fit statistic for both the observed ( and model generated, replicate data ( for each “grouped” data point.

We next perform a posterior predictive check using the Freeman-Tukey statistic grouping the data by sites. We summarize the posterior predictive check with the summary() function, which reports a Bayesian p-value. A Bayesian p-value that hovers around 0.5 indicates adequate model fit, while values less than 0.1 or greater than 0.9 suggest our model does not fit the data well (Hobbs and Hooten 2015). As always with a simulation-based analysis using MCMC, you will get numerically slightly different values.

ppc.out <- ppcAbund(out, fit.stat = 'freeman-tukey', group = 1)

ppcAbund(object = out, fit.stat = "freeman-tukey", group = 1)

Samples per Chain: 50000
Burn-in: 20000
Thinning Rate: 30
Number of Chains: 3
Total Posterior Samples: 3000

Bayesian p-value:  0.474 
Fit statistic:  freeman-tukey 

The Bayesian p-value is greater than 0.1 and less than 0.9, indicating an adequate fit to the data. See the introductory spOccupancy vignette for ways to further explore resulting objects from posterior predictive checks.

Model selection using WAIC

Posterior predictive checks allow us to assess how well our model fits the data, but they are not very useful if we want to compare multiple competing models and ultimately select a final model based on some criterion. Bayesian model selection is very much a constantly changing field. See Hooten and Hobbs (2015) for an accessible overview of Bayesian model selection for ecologists.

For Bayesian hierarchical models like HDS models, the most common Bayesian model selection criterion, the deviance information criterion or DIC, is not applicable (Hooten and Hobbs 2015). Instead, the Widely Applicable Information Criterion (Watanabe 2010) is recommended to compare a set of models and select the best-performing model for final analysis.

The WAIC is calculated for all spAbundance model objects using the function waicAbund(). We calculate the WAIC as

\[ \text{WAIC} = -2 \times (\text{elppd} - \text{pD}), \]

where elppd is the expected log point-wise predictive density and pD is the effective number of parameters. We calculate elpd by calculating the likelihood for each posterior sample, taking the mean of these likelihood values, taking the log of the mean of the likelihood values, and summing these values across all sites. We calculate the effective number of parameters by calculating the variance of the log likelihood for each site taken over all posterior samples, and then summing these values across all sites. See Appendix S1 from Broms, Hooten, and Fitzpatrick (2016) for more details in the context of occupancy models.

We calculate the WAIC using waicAbund() for our model below (as always, note some slight differences with your solutions due to Monte Carlo error).

N.max not specified. Setting upper index of integration of N to 10 plus
the largest estimated abundance value at each site in object$N.samples
       elpd          pD        WAIC 
-255.728227    5.173769  521.803993 

Note the perhaps somewhat cryptic message that is displayed to the screen when you run the previous line. When calculating WAIC for HDS models, we need to integrate out the latent abundance values, which requires setting an upper bound to the potential value of the latent abundance values \(N_j\) at each spatial location. By default, waicAbund() will set that upper bound to the largest abundance value at each site plus 10 (as indicated by the message). This upper bound can be controlled further with the N.max argument in waicAbund(). See the help page for waicAbund for details. Note that the higher the value of N.max the longer the function will take, so waicAbund() will be slower when working with data that have large counts.

Now let’s compare our Poisson HDS model to a model that uses a negative binomial distribution for abundance.

out.nb <- DS(abund.formula = ~ scale(forest) + scale(grass),
             det.formula = ~ scale(wind),
             data = dat.EATO,
             n.batch = n.batch,
             batch.length = batch.length,
             inits = inits.list,
             family = 'NB',
             det.func = 'halfnormal',
             transect = 'point',
             tuning = tuning,
             priors = prior.list,
             accept.rate = 0.43,
             n.omp.threads = 1,
             verbose = FALSE,
    = 400,
             n.burn = n.burn,
             n.thin = n.thin,
             n.chains = n.chains)
N.max not specified. Setting upper index of integration of N to 10 plus
the largest estimated abundance value at each site in object$N.samples
       elpd          pD        WAIC 
-255.728227    5.173769  521.803993 
N.max not specified. Setting upper index of integration of N to 10 plus
the largest estimated abundance value at each site in object$N.samples
       elpd          pD        WAIC 
-256.032019    5.094861  522.253759 

We see very similar WAIC values between the Poisson and NB model. We thus conclude the additional overdispersion that the NB model allows does not improve model fit, and so we will continue using the Poisson model.


All model objects from a call to spAbundance model-fitting functions can be used with predict() to generate a series of posterior predictive samples at new locations, given the values of all covariates used in the model fitting process. Here we will predict abundance/density across the entire Disney Wilderness Preserve at a 1ha resolution. The prediction data are stored in the neonPredData object, which is available in spAbundance.

'data.frame':   4838 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ forest  : num  0.0208 0.0196 0.0196 0.02 0.0192 ...
 $ grass   : num  0.188 0.176 0.176 0.18 0.192 ...
 $ easting : num  456756 456856 456456 456556 456656 ...
 $ northing: num  3113309 3113309 3113209 3113209 3113209 ...

The prediction data consist of 4838 1ha cells in which we will predict EATO abundance. The data frame consists of the spatial coordinates for each cell and the two covariates we used to fit the model (the amount of forest and grassland cover within a 1km radius circle centered at the center of each cell). Given that we standardized the covariate values when we fit the model, we need to standardize the covariate values for prediction using the exact same values of the mean and standard deviation of the covariate values used to fit the data.

# Center and scale covariates by values used to fit model
forest.pred <- (neonPredData$forest - mean(dat.EATO$covs$forest)) / 
grass.pred <- (neonPredData$grass - mean(dat.EATO$covs$grass)) / 

For DS(), the predict() function takes four arguments:

  1. object: the DS fitted model object.
  2. X.0: a matrix or data frame consisting of the design matrix for the prediction locations (which must include an intercept if our model contained one).
  3. ignore.RE: a logical value indicating whether or not to remove random effects from the predicted values. By default, this is set to FALSE, and so prediction will include the random effects (if any are specified).
  4. type: a quoted keyword indicating whether we want to predict abundance or detection. This is by default set to abundance.

Below we form the design matrix and predict abundance/density within each 1ha grid cell.

X.0 <- cbind(1, forest.pred, grass.pred)
colnames(X.0) <- c('(Intercept)', 'forest', 'grass')
out.pred <- predict(out, X.0)
List of 3
 $ mu.0.samples: 'mcmc' num [1:3000, 1:4838] 0.831 0.764 1.091 0.891 0.709 ...
  ..- attr(*, "mcpar")= num [1:3] 1 3000 1
 $ N.0.samples : 'mcmc' int [1:3000, 1:4838] 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 ...
  ..- attr(*, "mcpar")= num [1:3] 1 3000 1
 $ call        : language predict.DS(object = out, X.0 = X.0)
 - attr(*, "class")= chr "predict.DS"

The resulting object consists of posterior predictive samples for the expected abundances (mu.0.samples) and latent abundance values (N.0.samples). The beauty of the Bayesian paradigm, and the MCMC computing machinery, is that these predictions all have fully propagated uncertainty. Below, we produce a map of EATO density across the preserve, as well as a map of the uncertainty, where here we represent uncertainty with the width of the 95% credible interval. We will also plot the coordinates of the actual data locations to show where the data we used to fit the model relate to the overall predictions across the park.

mu.0.quants <- apply(out.pred$mu.0.samples, 2, quantile, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
plot.df <- data.frame(Easting = neonPredData$easting,
                      Northing = neonPredData$northing,
             = mu.0.quants[2, ],
             = mu.0.quants[3, ] - mu.0.quants[1, ])
coords.stars <- st_as_stars(plot.df, crs = st_crs(32617))
coords.sf <- st_as_sf($coords), coords = c('easting', 'northing'), 
                      crs = st_crs(32617))
# Plot of median estimate
ggplot() +
  geom_stars(data = coords.stars, aes(x = Easting, y = Northing, fill = +
  geom_sf(data = coords.sf) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(na.value = NA) +
  theme_bw(base_size = 12) +
  labs(fill = 'Individuals\nper ha', x = 'Longitude', y = 'Latitude', 
       title = 'Eastern Towhee Median Density')

# Plot of 95% CI width
ggplot() +
  geom_stars(data = coords.stars, aes(x = Easting, y = Northing, fill = +
  geom_sf(data = coords.sf) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(na.value = NA) +
  theme_bw(base_size = 12) +
  labs(fill = 'Individuals\nper ha', x = 'Longitude', y = 'Latitude', 
       title = 'Eastern Towhee Density 95% CI Width')

Single-species spatial HDS models

Basic model description

When working across large spatial domains, accounting for residual spatial autocorrelation in species distributions can often improve predictive performance of a model, leading to more accurate predictions of species abundance patterns (Guélat and Kéry 2018). We here extend the basic single-species HDS model to incorporate a spatial random effect that accounts for unexplained spatial variation in species abundance across a region of interest. Let \(\boldsymbol{s}_j\) denote the geographical coordinates of site \(j\) for \(j = 1, \dots, J\). In all spatially-explicit models, we include \(\boldsymbol{s}_j\) directly in the notation of spatially-indexed variables to indicate the model is spatially-explicit. More specifically, the expected abundance at site \(j\) with coordinates \(\boldsymbol{s}_j\), \(\mu(\boldsymbol{s}_j)\), now takes the form

\[\begin{equation} \text{log}(\mu(\boldsymbol{s}_j) = \boldsymbol{x}(\boldsymbol{s}_j)^{\top}\boldsymbol{\beta} + \text{w}(\boldsymbol{s}_j), \end{equation}\]

where \(\text{w}(\boldsymbol{s}_j)\) is a spatial random effect modeled with a Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Process (NNGP; Datta et al. (2016)). More specifically, we have

\[\begin{equation} \textbf{w}(\boldsymbol{s}) \sim N(\boldsymbol{0}, \boldsymbol{\tilde{\Sigma}}(\boldsymbol{s}, \boldsymbol{s}', \boldsymbol{\theta})), \end{equation}\]

where \(\boldsymbol{\tilde{\Sigma}}(\boldsymbol{s}, \boldsymbol{s}', \boldsymbol{\theta})\) is the NNGP-derived spatial covariance matrix that originates from the full \(J \times J\) covariance matrix \(\boldsymbol{\Sigma}(\boldsymbol{s}, \boldsymbol{s}', \boldsymbol{\theta})\) that is a function of the distances between any pair of site coordinates \(\boldsymbol{s}\) and \(\boldsymbol{s}'\) and a set of parameters \((\boldsymbol{\theta})\) that govern the spatial process. The vector \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\) is equal to \(\boldsymbol{\theta} = \{\sigma^2, \phi, \nu\}\), where \(\sigma^2\) is a spatial variance parameter, \(\phi\) is a spatial decay parameter, and \(\nu\) is a spatial smoothness parameter. \(\nu\) is only specified when using a Matern correlation function. The detection portion of the HDS model remains unchanged from the non-spatial model. The NNGP is a computationally efficient alternative to working with a full Gaussian process model, which is notoriously slow for even moderately large data sets. See Datta et al. (2016) and Finley et al. (2019) for complete statistical details on the NNGP.

Fitting single-species spatial HDS models with spDS()

The function spDS() fits single-species spatial HDS models.

spDS(abund.formula, det.formula, data, inits, priors, tuning,
     cov.model = 'exponential', NNGP = TRUE,
     n.neighbors = 15, search.type = 'cb',
     n.batch, batch.length, accept.rate = 0.43, family = 'Poisson',
     transect = 'line', det.func = 'halfnormal',
     n.omp.threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, = 100, n.burn = round(.10 * n.batch * batch.length), n.thin = 1, 
     n.chains = 1, ...)

The arguments to spDS() are very similar to those we saw with DS(), with a few additional components. The abundance (abund.formula) and detection (det.formula) formulas, as well as the list of data (data), take the same form as we saw in DS(), with random slopes and intercepts allowed in both the abundance and detection models. Notice the coords matrix in the data.EATO list of data. We did not use this for DS() (except when making the map of the predicted values), but specifying the spatial coordinates in data is necessary for all spatially explicit models in spAbundance.

abund.formula <- ~ scale(forest) + scale(grass)
det.formula <- ~ scale(wind)
str(dat.EATO) # coords is required for spDS()
List of 5
 $ y          : num [1:90, 1:4] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
 $ covs       :'data.frame':    90 obs. of  4 variables:
  ..$ wind  : int [1:90] 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 ...
  ..$ day   : num [1:90] 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 129 ...
  ..$ forest: num [1:90] 0.18 0.0962 0.0577 0.1569 0.08 ...
  ..$ grass : num [1:90] 0.2 0.192 0.192 0.216 0.22 ...
 $ dist.breaks: num [1:5] 0 0.025 0.05 0.1 0.25
 $ offset     : num 19.6
 $ coords     : num [1:90, 1:2] 458629 458879 459129 458629 458879 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : NULL
  .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "easting" "northing"

The initial values (inits) are again specified in a list. Valid tags for initial values now additionally include the parameters associated with the spatial random effects. These include: sigma.sq (spatial variance parameter), phi (spatial decay parameter), w (the latent spatial random effects at each site), and nu (spatial smoothness parameter), where the latter is only specified if adopting a Matern covariance function (i.e., cov.model = 'matern'). spAbundance supports four spatial covariance models (exponential, spherical, gaussian, and matern), which are specified in the cov.model argument. Throughout this vignette, we will use an exponential covariance model, which we often use as our default covariance model when fitting spatially-explicit models and is commonly used throughout ecology. To determine which covariance function to use, we can fit models with the different covariance functions and compare them using WAIC to select the best performing function. We will note that the Matern covariance function has the additional spatial smoothness parameter \(\nu\) and thus can often be more flexible than the other functions. However, because we need to estimate an additional parameter, this also tends to require more data (i.e., a larger number of sites) than the other covariance functions, and so we encourage use of the three simpler functions if your data set is sparse. We note that model estimates are generally fairly robust to the different covariance functions, although certain functions may provide substantially better estimates depending on the specific form of the underlying spatial autocorrelation in the data. For example, the Gaussian covariance function is often useful for accounting for spatial autocorrelation that is very smooth (i.e., long range spatial dependence). See Chapter 2 in Banerjee, Carlin, and Gelfand (2003) for a more thorough discussion of these functions and their mathematical properties.

The default initial values for phi, and nu are set to random values from the prior distribution, while the default initial value for sigma.sq is set to a random value between 0.05 and 3. In all spatially-explicit models described in this vignette, the spatial decay parameter phi is often the most sensitive to initial values. In general, the spatial decay parameter will often have poor mixing and take longer to converge than the rest of the parameters in the model, so specifying an initial value that is reasonably close to the resulting value can really help decrease run times for complicated models. As an initial value for the spatial decay parameter phi, we compute the mean distance between points in our coordinates matrix and then set it equal to 3 divided by this mean distance. When using an exponential covariance function, \(\frac{3}{\phi}\) is the effective range, or the distance at which the residual spatial correlation between two sites drops to 0.05 (Banerjee, Carlin, and Gelfand 2003). Thus our initial guess for this effective range is the average distance between sites across the study region. As with all other parameters, we generally recommend using the default initial values for an initial model run, and if the model is taking a very long time to converge you can rerun the model with initial values based on the posterior means of estimated parameters from the initial model fit. For the spatial variance parameter sigma.sq, we set the initial value to 1. This corresponds to a moderate amount of spatial variance. Further, we set the initial values of the latent spatial random effects at each site to 0. The initial values for these random effects has an extremely small influence on the model results, so we generally recommend setting their initial values to 0 as we have done here (this is also the default). However, if you are running your model for a very long time and are seeing very slow convergence of the MCMC chains, setting the initial values of the spatial random effects to the mean estimates from a previous run of the model could help reach convergence faster.

# Pair-wise distances between all sites
dist.mat <- dist(dat.EATO$coords)
# Exponential covariance model
cov.model <- 'exponential'
# Specify list of inits
inits.list <- list(beta = 0, alpha = 0, kappa = 1,
                   sigma.sq = 1, phi = 3 / mean(dist.mat),
                   w = rep(0, nrow(dat.EATO$y)),
                   N = apply(dat.EATO$y, 1, sum))

The parameter NNGP is a logical value that specifies whether we want to use an NNGP to fit the model. Currently, only NNGP = TRUE is supported, but we may eventually add functionality to fit full Gaussian Process models. The arguments n.neighbors and search.type specify the number of neighbors used in the NNGP and the nearest neighbor search algorithm, respectively, to use for the NNGP model. Generally, the default values of these arguments will be adequate. Datta et al. (2016) showed that setting n.neighbors = 15 is usually sufficient, although for certain data sets a good approximation can be achieved with as few as five neighbors, which could substantially decrease run time for the model. We generally recommend leaving search.type = "cb", as this results in a fast code book nearest neighbor search algorithm. However, details on when you may want to change this are described in Finley, Datta, and Banerjee (2020). We will run an NNGP model using the default value for search.type and setting n.neighbors = 15 (both the defaults).

n.neighbors <- 15
search.type <- 'cb'

Priors are again specified in a list in the argument priors. We follow standard recommendations for prior distributions from the spatial statistics literature (Banerjee, Carlin, and Gelfand 2003). We assume an inverse gamma prior for the spatial variance parameter sigma.sq (the tag of which is sigma.sq.ig), and uniform priors for the spatial decay parameter phi and smoothness parameter nu (if using the Matern correlation function), with the associated tags phi.unif and nu.unif. The hyperparameters of the inverse Gamma are passed as a vector of length two, with the first and second elements corresponding to the shape and scale, respectively. The lower and upper bounds of the uniform distribution are passed as a two-element vector for the uniform priors. We also allow users to restrict the spatial variance further by specifying a uniform prior (with the tag sigma.sq.unif), which can potentially be useful to place a more informative prior on the spatial parameters. Generally, we use an inverse-Gamma prior.

Note that the priors for the spatial parameters in a spatially-explicit model must be at least weakly informative for the model to converge (Banerjee, Carlin, and Gelfand 2003). For the inverse-Gamma prior on the spatial variance, we typically set the shape parameter to 2 and the scale parameter equal to our best guess of the spatial variance. The default prior hyperparameter values for the spatial variance \(\sigma^2\) are a shape parameter of 2 and a scale parameter of 1. This weakly informative prior suggests a prior mean of 1 for the spatial variance, which is a moderately small amount of spatial variation. Here we will use this default prior. For the spatial decay parameter, our default approach is to set the lower and upper bounds of the uniform prior based on the minimum and maximum distances between sites in the data. More specifically, by default we set the lower bound to 3 / max and the upper bound to 3 / min, where min and max are the minimum and maximum distances between sites in the data set, respectively. This equates to a vague prior that states the spatial autocorrelation in the data could only exist between sites that are very close together, or could span across the entire observed study area. If additional information is known on the extent of the spatial autocorrelation in the data, you may place more restrictive bounds on the uniform prior, which would likely reduce the amount of time needed for adequate mixing and convergence of the MCMC chains. Here we use this default approach, but will explicitly set the values for transparency.

min.dist <- min(dist.mat)
max.dist <- max(dist.mat)
priors <- list(alpha.normal = list(mean = 0, var = 100),
               beta.normal = list(mean = 0, var = 100),
               kappa.unif = c(0, 100),
               sigma.sq.ig = c(2, 1),
               phi.unif = c(3 / max.dist, 3 / min.dist))

We again split our MCMC algorithm up into a set of batches and use an adaptive sampler to adaptively tune the variances that we propose new values from. We specify the initial tuning values again in the tuning argument, and now need to add phi and w to the parameters that must be tuned. Note that we do not need to add sigma.sq, as this parameter can be sampled with a more efficient approach (i.e., it’s full conditional distribution is available in closed form).

tuning <- list(beta = 0.5, alpha = 0.5, kappa = 0.5, = 0.5,
               w = 0.5, phi = 0.5)

The argument n.omp.threads specifies the number of threads to use for within-chain parallelization, while verbose specifies whether or not to print the progress of the sampler. As before, the argument specifies the interval to report the Metropolis-Hastings sampler acceptance rate. Below we set = 500, which will result in information on the acceptance rate and tuning parameters every 500th batch.

verbose <- TRUE
batch.length <- 25
n.batch <- 2000
# Total number of MCMC samples per chain
batch.length * n.batch
[1] 50000 <- 500
n.omp.threads <- 1

We will use the same amount of burn-in and thinning as we did with the non-spatial model, and we’ll also first fit a model with a Poisson distribution for abundance. We next fit the model and summarize the results using the summary() function. Recall that as before, our data list contains an offset to convert the estimates from individuals per point count to individuals per hectare. As before, we set the det.func = 'halfnormal' to use a half-normal detection function and set transect = 'point' to indicate we are using data from circular surveys (i.e., point count surveys).

n.burn <- 20000
n.thin <- 30
n.chains <- 3
# Approx. run time: 2 minutes
out.sp <- spDS(abund.formula = abund.formula,
               det.formula = det.formula,
               data = dat.EATO,
               inits = inits.list,
               priors = priors,
               n.batch = n.batch,
               batch.length = batch.length,
               tuning = tuning,
               cov.model = cov.model,
               NNGP = NNGP,
               n.neighbors = n.neighbors,
               search.type = search.type,
               n.omp.threads = n.omp.threads,
               family = 'Poisson',
               det.func = 'halfnormal',
               transect = 'point',
               verbose = TRUE,
               n.burn = n.burn,
               n.thin = n.thin,
               n.chains = n.chains)
    Preparing to run the model
    Building the neighbor list
Building the neighbors of neighbors list
    Model description
Spatial NNGP Poisson HDS model with 90 sites.

Samples per Chain: 50000 (2000 batches of length 25)
Burn-in: 20000 
Thinning Rate: 30 
Number of Chains: 3 
Total Posterior Samples: 3000 

Using the exponential spatial correlation model.

Using 15 nearest neighbors.

Source compiled with OpenMP support and model fit using 1 thread(s).

Adaptive Metropolis with target acceptance rate: 43.0
    Chain 1
Sampling ... 
Batch: 500 of 2000, 25.00%
    Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    beta[1]     44.0        0.05485
    beta[2]     44.0        0.05166
    beta[3]     32.0        0.05376
    alpha[1]    60.0        0.07257
    alpha[2]    32.0        0.09043
    phi     20.0        0.84947
Batch: 1000 of 2000, 50.00%
    Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    beta[1]     48.0        0.05270
    beta[2]     48.0        0.05166
    beta[3]     36.0        0.05376
    alpha[1]    44.0        0.08021
    alpha[2]    48.0        0.08689
    phi     40.0        0.88413
Batch: 1500 of 2000, 75.00%
    Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    beta[1]     32.0        0.04963
    beta[2]     52.0        0.05063
    beta[3]     40.0        0.05063
    alpha[1]    40.0        0.07114
    alpha[2]    48.0        0.09043
    phi     36.0        0.81616
Batch: 2000 of 2000, 100.00%
    Chain 2
Sampling ... 
Batch: 500 of 2000, 25.00%
    Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    beta[1]     52.0        0.05709
    beta[2]     40.0        0.05485
    beta[3]     44.0        0.05596
    alpha[1]    40.0        0.07257
    alpha[2]    44.0        0.08864
    phi     52.0        0.78416
Batch: 1000 of 2000, 50.00%
    Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    beta[1]     32.0        0.05709
    beta[2]     48.0        0.04963
    beta[3]     32.0        0.05270
    alpha[1]    60.0        0.07862
    alpha[2]    44.0        0.09226
    phi     36.0        0.83265
Batch: 1500 of 2000, 75.00%
    Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    beta[1]     32.0        0.05376
    beta[2]     36.0        0.05376
    beta[3]     36.0        0.05166
    alpha[1]    48.0        0.07404
    alpha[2]    40.0        0.07862
    phi     56.0        0.88413
Batch: 2000 of 2000, 100.00%
    Chain 3
Sampling ... 
Batch: 500 of 2000, 25.00%
    Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    beta[1]     40.0        0.06184
    beta[2]     40.0        0.05063
    beta[3]     32.0        0.05270
    alpha[1]    32.0        0.07554
    alpha[2]    52.0        0.08348
    phi     36.0        0.70953
Batch: 1000 of 2000, 50.00%
    Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    beta[1]     44.0        0.05709
    beta[2]     40.0        0.05596
    beta[3]     32.0        0.05485
    alpha[1]    28.0        0.07862
    alpha[2]    36.0        0.08689
    phi     60.0        0.80000
Batch: 1500 of 2000, 75.00%
    Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    beta[1]     20.0        0.05485
    beta[2]     52.0        0.05376
    beta[3]     60.0        0.05063
    alpha[1]    40.0        0.07554
    alpha[2]    36.0        0.08864
    phi     56.0        0.86663
Batch: 2000 of 2000, 100.00%

spDS(abund.formula = abund.formula, det.formula = det.formula, 
    data = dat.EATO, inits = inits.list, priors = priors, tuning = tuning, 
    cov.model = cov.model, NNGP = NNGP, n.neighbors = n.neighbors, 
    search.type = search.type, n.batch = n.batch, batch.length = batch.length, 
    family = "Poisson", transect = "point", det.func = "halfnormal", 
    n.omp.threads = n.omp.threads, verbose = TRUE, =, 
    n.burn = n.burn, n.thin = n.thin, n.chains = n.chains)

Samples per Chain: 50000
Burn-in: 20000
Thinning Rate: 30
Number of Chains: 3
Total Posterior Samples: 3000
Run Time (min): 1.634

Abundance (log scale): 
                 Mean     SD    2.5%     50%  97.5%   Rhat ESS
(Intercept)    0.1021 0.2828 -0.4297  0.0949 0.7179 1.4272  60
scale(forest)  0.1414 0.1363 -0.1153  0.1428 0.4104 1.0079 249
scale(grass)  -0.0114 0.1439 -0.2843 -0.0144 0.2708 1.0226 262

Detection (log scale): 
               Mean     SD    2.5%     50%   97.5%   Rhat ESS
(Intercept) -3.0890 0.0470 -3.1770 -3.0892 -2.9975 1.0214 345
scale(wind) -0.0471 0.0406 -0.1222 -0.0477  0.0343 1.0167 933

Spatial Covariance: 
           Mean     SD   2.5%    50%  97.5%   Rhat ESS
sigma.sq 0.3404 0.1572 0.1427 0.3076 0.7266 1.0083 557
phi      0.0014 0.0012 0.0004 0.0010 0.0044 1.0157 361

Looking at the model summary we see adequate convergence of most model parameters with the exception of the abundance intercept, so in a complete analysis we would run this model longer to ensure all Rhat values were less than 1.1. The summary() output looks the same as what we saw previously, with the additional section titled “Spatial Covariance”. There we see the estimate of the spatial variance (sigma.sq) and spatial decay (phi) parameters. The spatial variance is around 0.35, which indicates only a moderate amount of spatial variability in abundance that is not explained by the covariates. Interpretation of the spatial variance parameter can follow interpretation of variance parameters in “regular” (i.e., unstructured) random effect variances: when the variance is close to 0, that indicates little support for inclusion of the spatial random effect. When the variance is large, it indicates substantial support for the spatial random effect. What indicates “large” vs. “small” isn’t necessarily straightforward, and remember that we are working on the log scale. We can also look at the magnitude of the spatial random effect estimates themselves to give an indication as to how much residual spatial autocorrelation there is in the abundance estimates. The posterior samples for the spatial random effects are stored in the w.samples tag of the resulting model fit list. Here we calculate the means of the spatial random effects and plot a histogram of their values.

w.means <- apply(out.sp$w.samples, 2, mean)

We see most values are clustered around 0, but that there are a few fairly large positive and negative values.

Posterior predictive checks

Posterior predictive checks proceed exactly as before using the ppcAbund() function.

ppc.out.sp <- ppcAbund(out.sp, fit.stat = 'freeman-tukey', group = 1)

ppcAbund(object = out.sp, fit.stat = "freeman-tukey", group = 1)

Samples per Chain: 50000
Burn-in: 20000
Thinning Rate: 30
Number of Chains: 3
Total Posterior Samples: 3000

Bayesian p-value:  0.5443 
Fit statistic:  freeman-tukey 

Model selection using WAIC

We next compare the spatial HDS model to the non-spatial HDS model we fit previously (stored in out).

# Non-spatial
N.max not specified. Setting upper index of integration of N to 10 plus
the largest estimated abundance value at each site in object$N.samples
       elpd          pD        WAIC 
-255.728227    5.173769  521.803993 
# Spatial
N.max not specified. Setting upper index of integration of N to 10 plus
the largest estimated abundance value at each site in object$N.samples
      elpd         pD       WAIC 
-240.75652   13.27545  508.06395 

Here we see fairly substantial improvement in the WAIC for the spatial model compared to the non-spatial model (i.e., WAIC is lower for the spatial model).


We can similarly predict across a region of interest using the predict() function as we saw with the non-spatial HDS model. Here we again generate predictions across a 1ha grid of the Disney Wilderness Preserve. The primary arguments for prediction here are identical to those we saw for the non-spatial model, with the addition of the coords argument to specify the spatial coordinates of the prediction locations. These are necessary to generate the predictions of the spatial random effects. We use the same design matrix that we previously formed for the non-spatial predictions (X.0), which contains the covariate values standardized by the values used when we fit the model. There are also arguments for parallelization (n.omp.threads), reporting sampler progress (verbose and, and predicting without the spatial random effects (include.sp). We generally only recommend setting include.sp = FALSE when generating predictions for a marginal probability plot (see the N-mixture model vignette for an example of this).

# Look at the prediction data set again
'data.frame':   4838 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ forest  : num  0.0208 0.0196 0.0196 0.02 0.0192 ...
 $ grass   : num  0.188 0.176 0.176 0.18 0.192 ...
 $ easting : num  456756 456856 456456 456556 456656 ...
 $ northing: num  3113309 3113309 3113209 3113209 3113209 ...
# Coordinates are needed for prediction with spatial HDS models
coords.0 <- neonPredData[, c('easting', 'northing')]
out.sp.pred <- predict(out.sp, X.0, coords = coords.0, = 400)
    Prediction description
NNGP spatial abundance model with 90 observations.

Number of covariates 3 (including intercept if specified).

Using the exponential spatial correlation model.

Using 15 nearest neighbors.

Number of MCMC samples 3000.

Predicting at 4838 locations.

Source compiled with OpenMP support and model fit using 1 threads.
Location: 400 of 4838, 8.27%
Location: 800 of 4838, 16.54%
Location: 1200 of 4838, 24.80%
Location: 1600 of 4838, 33.07%
Location: 2000 of 4838, 41.34%
Location: 2400 of 4838, 49.61%
Location: 2800 of 4838, 57.88%
Location: 3200 of 4838, 66.14%
Location: 3600 of 4838, 74.41%
Location: 4000 of 4838, 82.68%
Location: 4400 of 4838, 90.95%
Location: 4800 of 4838, 99.21%
Location: 4838 of 4838, 100.00%
Generating latent abundance state
mu.0.quants <- apply(out.sp.pred$mu.0.samples, 2, quantile, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
plot.df <- data.frame(Easting = neonPredData$easting,
                      Northing = neonPredData$northing,
             = mu.0.quants[2, ],
             = mu.0.quants[3, ] - mu.0.quants[1, ])
coords.stars <- st_as_stars(plot.df, crs = st_crs(32617))
coords.sf <- st_as_sf($coords), coords = c('easting', 'northing'),
                      crs = st_crs(32617))
# Plot of median estimate
ggplot() +
  geom_stars(data = coords.stars, aes(x = Easting, y = Northing, fill = +
  geom_sf(data = coords.sf) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(na.value = NA) +
  theme_bw(base_size = 14) +
  labs(fill = 'Individuals\nper ha', x = 'Longitude', y = 'Latitude',
       title = 'Eastern Towhee Median Density')

# Plot of 95% CI width
ggplot() +
  geom_stars(data = coords.stars, aes(x = Easting, y = Northing, fill = +
  geom_sf(data = coords.sf) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(na.value = NA) +
  theme_bw(base_size = 14) +
  labs(fill = 'Individuals\nper ha', x = 'Longitude', y = 'Latitude',
       title = 'Eastern Towhee Density 95% CI Width')

There are some interesting differences between the predictions of the spatial and non-spatial model, which we’ll leave to you to explore if you desire. Looking at the predictions of the spatial model, we immediately see two things: (1) the uncertainty is substantially larger than that of the non-spatial model; and (2) the uncertainty generally increases as one gets farther away from the observed locations. The latter point is a common phenomena we will observe when fitting any spatial model, and the degree to which the uncertainty increases as one gets farther away from sampled locations will depend on the estimated effective spatial range.

Multi-species HDS models

Basic model description

Now consider the case where distance sampling data, \(\boldsymbol{y}_{i, j}\), are collected for multiple species \(i = 1, \dots, I\) at each survey location \(j\). We are now interested in estimating the abundance of each species \(i\) at each location \(j\), denoted as \(N_{i, j}\). We model \(N_{i, j}\) analogous to the single-species HDS model, with expected abundance now varying by species and site according to

\[\begin{equation}\label{mu-msDS} \text{log}(\mu_{i, j}) = \boldsymbol{x}_j^\top\boldsymbol{\beta}_i, \end{equation}\]

where \(\boldsymbol{\beta}_i\) are the species-specific effects of covariates \(\boldsymbol{x}_j\) (including an intercept). When \(N_i(\boldsymbol{s}_j)\) is modeled using a negative binomial distribution, we estimate a separate dispersion parameter \(\kappa_i\) for each species. We model \(\boldsymbol{\beta}_i\) as random effects arising from a common, community-level normal distribution, which leads to increased precision of species-specific effects compared to single-species models (Sollmann et al. 2016). For example, the species-specific abundance intercept \(\beta_{0, i}\) is modeled according to

\[\begin{equation}\label{betaComm} \beta_{0, i} \sim \text{Normal}(\mu_{\beta_0}, \tau^2_{\beta_0}), \end{equation}\]

where \(\mu_{\beta_0}\) is the community-level abundance intercept, and \(\tau^2_{\beta_0}\) is the variance of the intercept across all \(I\) species. The observation portion of the multi-species HDS model is identical to the single-species model, with all parameters indexed by species, and the species-specific coefficients \(\boldsymbol{\alpha}_i\) modeled hierarchically analogous to the species-specific abundance coefficients just described.

We assign normal priors to the community-level abundance (\(\boldsymbol{\mu}_{\beta}\)) and detection (\(\boldsymbol{\mu}_{\alpha}\)) mean parameters and inverse-Gamma priors to the community-level variance parameters (\(\boldsymbol{\tau^2}_{\beta}\) and \(\boldsymbol{\tau^2}_{\alpha}\)). We give independent uniform priors to each of the species-specific negative binomial dispersion parameters \(\kappa_i\).

Fitting multi-species HDS models with msDS()

spAbundance uses nearly identical syntax for fitting multi-species HDS models as it does for single-species models and provides the same functionality for posterior predictive checks, model assessment and selection using WAIC, and prediction. The msDS() function fits the multi-species HDS model first introduced by Sollmann et al. (2016). msDS() has the following syntax

msDS(abund.formula, det.formula, data, inits, priors,
     tuning, n.batch, batch.length, accept.rate = 0.43,
     family = 'Poisson', transect = 'line', det.func = 'halfnormal',
     n.omp.threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, = 100,
     n.burn = round(.10 * n.batch * batch.length), n.thin = 1,
     n.chains = 1, ...)

Notice these are the exact same arguments we saw with DS(). We will now model the entire group of 16 bird species contained in the neonDWP data set instead of just focusing on EATO.

# Recall the structure of the full data set
List of 5
 $ y          : num [1:16, 1:90, 1:4] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 3
  .. ..$ : chr [1:16] "EATO" "EAME" "AMCR" "BACS" ...
  .. ..$ : NULL
  .. ..$ : NULL
 $ covs       :'data.frame':    90 obs. of  4 variables:
  ..$ wind  : int [1:90] 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 ...
  ..$ day   : num [1:90] 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 129 ...
  ..$ forest: num [1:90] 0.18 0.0962 0.0577 0.1569 0.08 ...
  ..$ grass : num [1:90] 0.2 0.192 0.192 0.216 0.22 ...
 $ dist.breaks: num [1:5] 0 0.025 0.05 0.1 0.25
 $ offset     : num 19.6
 $ coords     : num [1:90, 1:2] 458629 458879 459129 458629 458879 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : NULL
  .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "easting" "northing"

For multi-species models, the multi-species detection-nondetection data y is now a three-dimensional array with dimensions corresponding to species, sites, and replicates. This is how the data are provided in the neonDWP object, so we don’t need to do any additional preparations. For guidance on preparing raw data into such a three-dimensional array format, please see this vignette on the spOccupancy website. The vignette provides guidance for fitting multi-species models in spOccupancy, but the format for spAbundance is exactly the same and all the same guidance applies here. We will model abundance and detection for all species using the same covariates as before.

abund.formula <- ~ scale(forest) + scale(grass)
det.formula <- ~ scale(wind)

Next we specify the initial values in inits. For multi-species HDS models, we supply initial values for community-level and species-level parameters. In msDS(), we will supply initial values for the following parameters: alpha.comm (community-level detection coefficients), beta.comm (community-level abundance coefficients), alpha (species-level detection coefficients), beta (species-level abundance coefficients), tau.sq.beta (community-level abundance variance parameters), tau.sq.alpha (community-level detection variance parameters), N (latent abundance values for all species), kappa (species-level negative binomial overdispersion parameters), (random effect variances for abundance), and sigma.sq.p (random effect variances for detection). These are all specified in a single list. Initial values for community-level parameters (including the random effect variances) are either vectors of length corresponding to the number of community-level detection or abundance parameters in the model (including the intercepts) or a single value if all parameters are assigned the same initial values. Initial values for species level parameters are either matrices with the number of rows indicating the number of species, and each column corresponding to a different regression parameter, or a single value if the same initial value is used for all species and parameters. Initial values for kappa is similarly either a single value that is assumed to be the same for all species, or a vector with a specific initial value for each species. The initial values for the latent abundance matrix are specified as a matrix with \(I\) rows corresponding to the number of species and \(J\) columns corresponding to the number of sites.

# Number of species
n.sp <- dim(neonDWP$y)[1]
ms.inits <- list(alpha.comm = 0,
                 beta.comm = 0,
                 beta = 0,
                 alpha = 0,
                 tau.sq.beta = 1,
                 kappa = 1,
                 tau.sq.alpha = 1,
        = 0.5,
                 N = apply(neonDWP$y, c(1, 2), sum, na.rm = TRUE))

In multi-species models, we specify priors on the community-level coefficients (or hyperparameters) rather than the species-level effects, with the exception that we still assign uniform priors for the negative binomial overdispersion parameter. For nonspatial models, these priors are specified with the following tags: beta.comm.normal (normal prior on the community-level abundance mean effects), alpha.comm.normal (normal prior on the community-level detection mean effects), tau.sq.beta.ig (inverse-Gamma prior on the community-level abundance variance parameters), tau.sq.alpha.ig (inverse-Gamma prior on the community-level detection variance parameters), (inverse-Gamma prior on the abundance random effect variances), sigma.sq.p.ig (inverse-Gamma prior on the detection random effect variances), kappa.unif (uniform prior on the species-specific overdispersion parameters). For all parameters except the species-specific overdispersion parameters, each tag consists of a list with elements corresponding to the mean and variance for normal priors and scale and shape for inverse-Gamma priors. Values can be specified individually for each parameter or as a single value if the same prior is assigned to all parameters of a given type. For the species-specific overdispersion parameters, the prior is specified as a list with two elements representing the lower and upper bound of the uniform distribution, where each of the elements can be a single value if the same prior is used for all species, or a vector of values for each species if specifying a different prior for each species.

By default, we set the prior hyperparameter values for the community-level means to a mean of 0 and a variance of 100. Below we specify these priors explicitly. For the community-level variance parameters, by default we set the scale and shape parameters to 0.1 following the recommendations of (Lunn et al. 2013), which results in a weakly informative prior on the community-level variances. This may lead to shrinkage of the community-level variance towards zero under certain circumstances so that all species will have fairly similar values for the species-specific covariate effect (Gelman 2006), although we have found multi-species models to be relatively robust to this prior specification. We are in the process of implementing half-Cauchy and half-t priors for the variance parameters in all multi-species models in spAbundance (and spOccupancy), which generally result in less shrinkage toward zero than the inverse-Gamma (Gelman 2006). For the negative binomial overdispersion parameters, we by default use a lower bound of 0 and upper bound of 100 for the uniform priors for each species, as we did in the single-species (univariate) models. Below we explicitly set these default prior values for our example.

ms.priors <- list(beta.comm.normal = list(mean = 0, var = 100),
                  alpha.comm.normal = list(mean = 0, var = 100),
                  tau.sq.beta.ig = list(a = 0.1, b = 0.1),
                  tau.sq.alpha.ig = list(a = 0.1, b = 0.1), 
                  kappa.unif = list(a = 0, b = 100))

As before, we will fit a model with a Poisson distribution for abundance (family = 'Poisson'), specify that we are using point count data (transect = 'point'), and use a half-normal detection function (det.func = 'halfnormal'). All that’s now left to do is specify the number of threads to use (n.omp.threads), the number of MCMC samples (which we do by specifying the number of batches n.batch and batch length batch.length), the initial tuning variances (tuning), the amount of samples to discard as burn-in (n.burn), the thinning rate (n.thin), and arguments to control the display of sampler progress (verbose, Note for the tuning variances, we do not need to specify initial tuning values for any of the community-level parameters, as those parameters can be sampled with an efficient Gibbs update.

# Specify initial tuning values
ms.tuning <- list(beta = 0.3, alpha = 0.3, = 0.5, kappa = 0.5)
# Approx. run time:  6 min <- msDS(abund.formula = abund.formula,
               det.formula = det.formula,
               data = neonDWP,
               inits = ms.inits,
               n.batch = 2000,
               tuning = ms.tuning,
               batch.length = 25,
               priors = ms.priors,
               n.omp.threads = 1,
               family = 'Poisson',
               det.func = 'halfnormal',
               transect = 'point',
               verbose = TRUE,
      = 500,
               n.burn = 20000,
               n.thin = 30,
               n.chains = 3)
    Preparing to run the model
    Model description
Multi-species Poisson HDS model with 90 sites and 16 species.

Samples per Chain: 50000 (2000 batches of length 25)
Burn-in: 20000 
Thinning Rate: 30 
Number of Chains: 3 
Total Posterior Samples: 3000 

Source compiled with OpenMP support and model fit using 1 thread(s).

Adaptive Metropolis with target acceptance rate: 43.0
    Chain 1
Sampling ... 
Batch: 500 of 2000, 25.00%
    Species Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    1   beta[1]     48.0        0.05319
    1   alpha[1]    40.0        0.07472
    2   beta[1]     44.0        0.11147
    2   alpha[1]    64.0        0.11372
    3   beta[1]     44.0        0.46118
    3   alpha[1]    48.0        0.32825
    4   beta[1]     36.0        0.11372
    4   alpha[1]    24.0        0.12076
    5   beta[1]     40.0        0.17308
    5   alpha[1]    44.0        0.14171
    6   beta[1]     68.0        0.27418
    6   alpha[1]    44.0        0.25821
    7   beta[1]     28.0        0.31538
    7   alpha[1]    64.0        0.29701
    8   beta[1]     36.0        0.12822
    8   alpha[1]    48.0        0.14171
    9   beta[1]     48.0        0.15047
    9   alpha[1]    44.0        0.16966
    10  beta[1]     36.0        0.21141
    10  alpha[1]    24.0        0.15351
    11  beta[1]     60.0        0.11837
    11  alpha[1]    40.0        0.10290
    12  beta[1]     56.0        0.32175
    12  alpha[1]    56.0        0.23364
    13  beta[1]     48.0        0.22003
    13  alpha[1]    36.0        0.17658
    14  beta[1]     40.0        0.19515
    14  alpha[1]    44.0        0.15047
    15  beta[1]     32.0        0.39299
    15  alpha[1]    40.0        0.31538
    16  beta[1]     48.0        0.22003
    16  alpha[1]    16.0        0.20722
Batch: 1000 of 2000, 50.00%
    Species Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    1   beta[1]     64.0        0.05536
    1   alpha[1]    56.0        0.07777
    2   beta[1]     48.0        0.11147
    2   alpha[1]    44.0        0.11837
    3   beta[1]     44.0        0.48969
    3   alpha[1]    32.0        0.34165
    4   beta[1]     12.0        0.12822
    4   alpha[1]    32.0        0.12822
    5   beta[1]     44.0        0.15661
    5   alpha[1]    48.0        0.13081
    6   beta[1]     48.0        0.24809
    6   alpha[1]    40.0        0.24318
    7   beta[1]     36.0        0.31538
    7   alpha[1]    40.0        0.26875
    8   beta[1]     36.0        0.13081
    8   alpha[1]    44.0        0.12569
    9   beta[1]     48.0        0.17308
    9   alpha[1]    44.0        0.19129
    10  beta[1]     36.0        0.21141
    10  alpha[1]    40.0        0.16966
    11  beta[1]     60.0        0.13346
    11  alpha[1]    44.0        0.11372
    12  beta[1]     36.0        0.31538
    12  alpha[1]    48.0        0.24318
    13  beta[1]     32.0        0.22448
    13  alpha[1]    36.0        0.20312
    14  beta[1]     40.0        0.19129
    14  alpha[1]    32.0        0.15351
    15  beta[1]     44.0        0.40903
    15  alpha[1]    48.0        0.32175
    16  beta[1]     44.0        0.22003
    16  alpha[1]    44.0        0.21141
Batch: 1500 of 2000, 75.00%
    Species Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    1   beta[1]     56.0        0.05761
    1   alpha[1]    56.0        0.07777
    2   beta[1]     44.0        0.11372
    2   alpha[1]    32.0        0.11602
    3   beta[1]     20.0        0.45205
    3   alpha[1]    52.0        0.33488
    4   beta[1]     56.0        0.11837
    4   alpha[1]    68.0        0.11837
    5   beta[1]     36.0        0.15047
    5   alpha[1]    36.0        0.14457
    6   beta[1]     52.0        0.25821
    6   alpha[1]    52.0        0.25310
    7   beta[1]     64.0        0.26343
    7   alpha[1]    40.0        0.29113
    8   beta[1]     44.0        0.12822
    8   alpha[1]    60.0        0.13081
    9   beta[1]     36.0        0.16301
    9   alpha[1]    48.0        0.17308
    10  beta[1]     32.0        0.19910
    10  alpha[1]    56.0        0.15978
    11  beta[1]     32.0        0.12822
    11  alpha[1]    64.0        0.11147
    12  beta[1]     48.0        0.30914
    12  alpha[1]    48.0        0.23836
    13  beta[1]     44.0        0.24318
    13  alpha[1]    24.0        0.18750
    14  beta[1]     32.0        0.20312
    14  alpha[1]    48.0        0.14457
    15  beta[1]     40.0        0.38521
    15  alpha[1]    64.0        0.29113
    16  beta[1]     40.0        0.23364
    16  alpha[1]    24.0        0.20312
Batch: 2000 of 2000, 100.00%
    Chain 2
Sampling ... 
Batch: 500 of 2000, 25.00%
    Species Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    1   beta[1]     36.0        0.05426
    1   alpha[1]    40.0        0.07037
    2   beta[1]     40.0        0.10710
    2   alpha[1]    24.0        0.10290
    3   beta[1]     24.0        0.41729
    3   alpha[1]    28.0        0.27418
    4   beta[1]     44.0        0.12822
    4   alpha[1]    44.0        0.13890
    5   beta[1]     44.0        0.17308
    5   alpha[1]    44.0        0.13890
    6   beta[1]     28.0        0.25821
    6   alpha[1]    36.0        0.24318
    7   beta[1]     36.0        0.31538
    7   alpha[1]    60.0        0.26343
    8   beta[1]     36.0        0.13890
    8   alpha[1]    36.0        0.12076
    9   beta[1]     68.0        0.15978
    9   alpha[1]    28.0        0.15661
    10  beta[1]     40.0        0.19129
    10  alpha[1]    28.0        0.14171
    11  beta[1]     48.0        0.13346
    11  alpha[1]    36.0        0.10927
    12  beta[1]     40.0        0.29113
    12  alpha[1]    20.0        0.23364
    13  beta[1]     16.0        0.22003
    13  alpha[1]    52.0        0.17308
    14  beta[1]     60.0        0.19910
    14  alpha[1]    36.0        0.14457
    15  beta[1]     52.0        0.36277
    15  alpha[1]    8.0     0.27972
    16  beta[1]     44.0        0.25310
    16  alpha[1]    24.0        0.19910
Batch: 1000 of 2000, 50.00%
    Species Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    1   beta[1]     40.0        0.06241
    1   alpha[1]    52.0        0.07934
    2   beta[1]     48.0        0.10710
    2   alpha[1]    36.0        0.11147
    3   beta[1]     36.0        0.37758
    3   alpha[1]    44.0        0.29701
    4   beta[1]     40.0        0.11602
    4   alpha[1]    40.0        0.12076
    5   beta[1]     28.0        0.15047
    5   alpha[1]    36.0        0.13081
    6   beta[1]     48.0        0.25821
    6   alpha[1]    52.0        0.24809
    7   beta[1]     32.0        0.25821
    7   alpha[1]    28.0        0.24809
    8   beta[1]     36.0        0.13615
    8   alpha[1]    32.0        0.13346
    9   beta[1]     40.0        0.15978
    9   alpha[1]    56.0        0.18750
    10  beta[1]     44.0        0.19129
    10  alpha[1]    32.0        0.13890
    11  beta[1]     52.0        0.12320
    11  alpha[1]    52.0        0.10710
    12  beta[1]     36.0        0.29701
    12  alpha[1]    60.0        0.24318
    13  beta[1]     40.0        0.22003
    13  alpha[1]    20.0        0.17658
    14  beta[1]     44.0        0.19515
    14  alpha[1]    48.0        0.15661
    15  beta[1]     48.0        0.41729
    15  alpha[1]    36.0        0.30914
    16  beta[1]     52.0        0.24318
    16  alpha[1]    56.0        0.20722
Batch: 1500 of 2000, 75.00%
    Species Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    1   beta[1]     36.0        0.05426
    1   alpha[1]    20.0        0.07934
    2   beta[1]     32.0        0.11147
    2   alpha[1]    56.0        0.11602
    3   beta[1]     44.0        0.40903
    3   alpha[1]    36.0        0.32825
    4   beta[1]     44.0        0.10927
    4   alpha[1]    44.0        0.12320
    5   beta[1]     64.0        0.15661
    5   alpha[1]    48.0        0.14749
    6   beta[1]     44.0        0.25821
    6   alpha[1]    44.0        0.24318
    7   beta[1]     44.0        0.23364
    7   alpha[1]    32.0        0.25821
    8   beta[1]     32.0        0.11837
    8   alpha[1]    40.0        0.12822
    9   beta[1]     24.0        0.17658
    9   alpha[1]    40.0        0.18015
    10  beta[1]     40.0        0.19910
    10  alpha[1]    20.0        0.15351
    11  beta[1]     52.0        0.11372
    11  alpha[1]    24.0        0.10290
    12  beta[1]     48.0        0.30914
    12  alpha[1]    44.0        0.21568
    13  beta[1]     52.0        0.22448
    13  alpha[1]    40.0        0.19129
    14  beta[1]     40.0        0.19515
    14  alpha[1]    36.0        0.15047
    15  beta[1]     68.0        0.40903
    15  alpha[1]    40.0        0.30302
    16  beta[1]     40.0        0.24809
    16  alpha[1]    40.0        0.19129
Batch: 2000 of 2000, 100.00%
    Chain 3
Sampling ... 
Batch: 500 of 2000, 25.00%
    Species Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    1   beta[1]     36.0        0.05009
    1   alpha[1]    40.0        0.07623
    2   beta[1]     52.0        0.10927
    2   alpha[1]    32.0        0.11147
    3   beta[1]     56.0        0.46118
    3   alpha[1]    36.0        0.30914
    4   beta[1]     56.0        0.12569
    4   alpha[1]    52.0        0.12569
    5   beta[1]     52.0        0.15978
    5   alpha[1]    36.0        0.13081
    6   beta[1]     52.0        0.25310
    6   alpha[1]    28.0        0.24809
    7   beta[1]     52.0        0.29701
    7   alpha[1]    44.0        0.26875
    8   beta[1]     48.0        0.14171
    8   alpha[1]    48.0        0.13081
    9   beta[1]     52.0        0.18379
    9   alpha[1]    52.0        0.16630
    10  beta[1]     56.0        0.19515
    10  alpha[1]    60.0        0.15661
    11  beta[1]     40.0        0.14171
    11  alpha[1]    32.0        0.10498
    12  beta[1]     48.0        0.33488
    12  alpha[1]    48.0        0.23364
    13  beta[1]     72.0        0.22003
    13  alpha[1]    48.0        0.20722
    14  beta[1]     44.0        0.21141
    14  alpha[1]    24.0        0.15978
    15  beta[1]     48.0        0.40093
    15  alpha[1]    48.0        0.29701
    16  beta[1]     40.0        0.22448
    16  alpha[1]    20.0        0.20312
Batch: 1000 of 2000, 50.00%
    Species Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    1   beta[1]     48.0        0.05426
    1   alpha[1]    36.0        0.07623
    2   beta[1]     44.0        0.11372
    2   alpha[1]    48.0        0.11837
    3   beta[1]     32.0        0.45205
    3   alpha[1]    44.0        0.33488
    4   beta[1]     36.0        0.11837
    4   alpha[1]    36.0        0.12320
    5   beta[1]     28.0        0.16966
    5   alpha[1]    48.0        0.14171
    6   beta[1]     20.0        0.22003
    6   alpha[1]    36.0        0.23836
    7   beta[1]     40.0        0.37010
    7   alpha[1]    44.0        0.32825
    8   beta[1]     60.0        0.12569
    8   alpha[1]    48.0        0.12822
    9   beta[1]     44.0        0.18379
    9   alpha[1]    60.0        0.18379
    10  beta[1]     52.0        0.19910
    10  alpha[1]    56.0        0.17658
    11  beta[1]     44.0        0.12822
    11  alpha[1]    40.0        0.10498
    12  beta[1]     32.0        0.29701
    12  alpha[1]    28.0        0.20722
    13  beta[1]     64.0        0.23364
    13  alpha[1]    40.0        0.18015
    14  beta[1]     28.0        0.21141
    14  alpha[1]    44.0        0.16630
    15  beta[1]     40.0        0.40903
    15  alpha[1]    60.0        0.29701
    16  beta[1]     28.0        0.20312
    16  alpha[1]    48.0        0.22003
Batch: 1500 of 2000, 75.00%
    Species Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    1   beta[1]     36.0        0.05213
    1   alpha[1]    40.0        0.07623
    2   beta[1]     44.0        0.10710
    2   alpha[1]    32.0        0.13081
    3   beta[1]     36.0        0.41729
    3   alpha[1]    52.0        0.31538
    4   beta[1]     60.0        0.11837
    4   alpha[1]    20.0        0.12076
    5   beta[1]     28.0        0.16301
    5   alpha[1]    40.0        0.14457
    6   beta[1]     32.0        0.26343
    6   alpha[1]    44.0        0.25821
    7   beta[1]     40.0        0.27972
    7   alpha[1]    40.0        0.27418
    8   beta[1]     60.0        0.13346
    8   alpha[1]    28.0        0.12076
    9   beta[1]     32.0        0.16301
    9   alpha[1]    36.0        0.17658
    10  beta[1]     60.0        0.20722
    10  alpha[1]    56.0        0.15351
    11  beta[1]     28.0        0.12822
    11  alpha[1]    48.0        0.11147
    12  beta[1]     68.0        0.29701
    12  alpha[1]    64.0        0.23364
    13  beta[1]     56.0        0.20312
    13  alpha[1]    52.0        0.17658
    14  beta[1]     48.0        0.23364
    14  alpha[1]    44.0        0.17658
    15  beta[1]     32.0        0.37758
    15  alpha[1]    32.0        0.29701
    16  beta[1]     48.0        0.19910
    16  alpha[1]    48.0        0.19515
Batch: 2000 of 2000, 100.00%

The resulting object is a list of class msDS consisting primarily of posterior samples of all community and species-level parameters, as well as some additional objects that are used for summaries, prediction, and model fit evaluation. We can display a nice summary of these results using the summary() function as before. For multi-species objects, when using summary we need to specify the level of parameters we want to summarize. We do this using the argument level, which takes values community, species, or both to print results for community-level parameters, species-level parameters, or all parameters. By default, level is set to both to display both species and community-level parameters.


msDS(abund.formula = abund.formula, det.formula = det.formula, 
    data = neonDWP, inits = ms.inits, priors = ms.priors, tuning = ms.tuning, 
    n.batch = 2000, batch.length = 25, family = "Poisson", transect = "point", 
    det.func = "halfnormal", n.omp.threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, = 500, n.burn = 20000, n.thin = 30, n.chains = 3)

Samples per Chain: 50000
Burn-in: 20000
Thinning Rate: 30
Number of Chains: 3
Total Posterior Samples: 3000
Run Time (min): 5.9223

    Community Level
Abundance Means (log scale): 
                 Mean     SD    2.5%     50%   97.5%   Rhat  ESS
(Intercept)   -2.3951 0.3251 -3.0359 -2.3854 -1.7708 1.0020 3000
scale(forest) -0.0488 0.0937 -0.2423 -0.0445  0.1296 1.0084 1820
scale(grass)   0.0589 0.1155 -0.1658  0.0576  0.2905 1.0113 2527

Abundance Variances (log scale): 
                Mean     SD   2.5%    50%  97.5%   Rhat  ESS
(Intercept)   1.5595 0.7032 0.6849 1.4122 3.3094 1.0051 1876
scale(forest) 0.1032 0.0644 0.0330 0.0871 0.2732 1.0084 1694
scale(grass)  0.1814 0.0949 0.0659 0.1586 0.4165 1.0017 1970

Detection Means (log scale): 
               Mean     SD    2.5%     50%   97.5%   Rhat  ESS
(Intercept) -2.5301 0.0996 -2.7159 -2.5338 -2.3252 0.9997 1942
scale(wind) -0.0236 0.0531 -0.1239 -0.0240  0.0814 1.0005 2821

Detection Variances (log scale): 
              Mean     SD   2.5%    50%  97.5%   Rhat  ESS
(Intercept) 0.1419 0.0736 0.0554 0.1225 0.3271 1.0031 1256
scale(wind) 0.0362 0.0179 0.0149 0.0321 0.0826 1.0015 2804

    Species Level
Abundance (log scale): 
                      Mean     SD    2.5%     50%   97.5%   Rhat  ESS
(Intercept)-EATO    0.1459 0.1254 -0.0954  0.1433  0.3971 1.0940  213
(Intercept)-EAME   -1.2898 0.1987 -1.6879 -1.2852 -0.9233 1.0064  380
(Intercept)-AMCR   -4.0611 0.4259 -4.9019 -4.0600 -3.2160 1.0015  652
(Intercept)-BACS   -1.4173 0.2017 -1.8200 -1.4107 -1.0440 1.0187  386
(Intercept)-CARW   -1.9907 0.2140 -2.4153 -1.9895 -1.5875 1.0017  543
(Intercept)-COGD   -2.9599 0.4128 -3.7783 -2.9534 -2.1639 1.0283  365
(Intercept)-CONI   -3.2744 0.4341 -4.1785 -3.2466 -2.5084 1.0237  406
(Intercept)-COYE   -1.5459 0.2128 -1.9797 -1.5446 -1.1328 1.0160  486
(Intercept)-EABL   -2.0487 0.2751 -2.6063 -2.0479 -1.5093 1.0023  349
(Intercept)-GCFL   -2.4320 0.2565 -2.9498 -2.4241 -1.9438 1.0113  468
(Intercept)-MODO   -1.4821 0.1779 -1.8372 -1.4817 -1.1450 1.0035  476
(Intercept)-NOCA   -3.3008 0.3314 -3.9370 -3.2935 -2.6702 1.0001  536
(Intercept)-NOMO   -3.3620 0.3504 -4.0550 -3.3613 -2.7068 1.0040  480
(Intercept)-RBWO   -2.4551 0.2349 -2.9417 -2.4496 -2.0210 1.0281  535
(Intercept)-RHWO   -4.0726 0.4695 -5.0082 -4.0553 -3.1818 1.0363  664
(Intercept)-WEVI   -2.6570 0.3042 -3.2822 -2.6397 -2.0871 1.0291  451
scale(forest)-EATO  0.2092 0.0798  0.0534  0.2100  0.3639 1.0042  546
scale(forest)-EAME  0.2313 0.1200  0.0041  0.2303  0.4803 1.0006  950
scale(forest)-AMCR  0.0385 0.2072 -0.3529  0.0346  0.4548 0.9996 2486
scale(forest)-BACS -0.0229 0.1199 -0.2588 -0.0233  0.2114 1.0146 1254
scale(forest)-CARW -0.0828 0.1323 -0.3441 -0.0865  0.1702 1.0008 1630
scale(forest)-COGD -0.3384 0.2256 -0.8119 -0.3271  0.0790 1.0052 1082
scale(forest)-CONI -0.1622 0.2209 -0.6020 -0.1600  0.2579 1.0003 1515
scale(forest)-COYE  0.0479 0.1272 -0.2001  0.0462  0.2999 1.0045 1244
scale(forest)-EABL -0.0668 0.1644 -0.3917 -0.0667  0.2547 1.0054 1097
scale(forest)-GCFL  0.0012 0.1244 -0.2419  0.0002  0.2457 1.0002 2284
scale(forest)-MODO -0.2050 0.1042 -0.4163 -0.1997 -0.0117 1.0043 1448
scale(forest)-NOCA  0.0309 0.1652 -0.2927  0.0303  0.3620 1.0012 2316
scale(forest)-NOMO  0.2401 0.1575 -0.0681  0.2369  0.5486 1.0061 1886
scale(forest)-RBWO -0.1586 0.1194 -0.3954 -0.1582  0.0770 1.0054 2443
scale(forest)-RHWO -0.6356 0.2796 -1.2346 -0.6216 -0.1547 1.0077 1480
scale(forest)-WEVI  0.0719 0.1798 -0.2711  0.0683  0.4434 1.0009 1312
scale(grass)-EATO  -0.0040 0.0793 -0.1590 -0.0038  0.1515 1.0140  596
scale(grass)-EAME   0.3097 0.1269  0.0725  0.3049  0.5604 1.0091  790
scale(grass)-AMCR  -0.1586 0.2362 -0.6215 -0.1565  0.2851 1.0047 2356
scale(grass)-BACS  -0.0423 0.1284 -0.3016 -0.0426  0.2087 1.0046 1161
scale(grass)-CARW  -0.1438 0.1376 -0.4238 -0.1419  0.1236 1.0010 1548
scale(grass)-COGD   0.0354 0.2341 -0.4107  0.0389  0.4877 1.0109 1120
scale(grass)-CONI   0.1798 0.2498 -0.2911  0.1753  0.6777 1.0257 1311
scale(grass)-COYE  -0.1225 0.1350 -0.3900 -0.1245  0.1459 1.0017  968
scale(grass)-EABL  -0.0733 0.1775 -0.4236 -0.0717  0.2681 1.0150  842
scale(grass)-GCFL  -0.1137 0.1290 -0.3745 -0.1150  0.1427 1.0030 2260
scale(grass)-MODO   0.1839 0.1085 -0.0293  0.1851  0.3933 1.0008 1509
scale(grass)-NOCA   0.0241 0.1843 -0.3387  0.0254  0.3790 1.0032 2268
scale(grass)-NOMO   1.2108 0.2347  0.7685  1.2051  1.6806 1.0046  778
scale(grass)-RBWO  -0.1248 0.1265 -0.3713 -0.1236  0.1195 1.0059 2048
scale(grass)-RHWO  -0.1606 0.2477 -0.6662 -0.1618  0.3097 1.0013 2164
scale(grass)-WEVI  -0.0999 0.1968 -0.4918 -0.0966  0.2759 1.0152 1365

Detection (log scale): 
                    Mean     SD    2.5%     50%   97.5%   Rhat  ESS
(Intercept)-EATO -3.0726 0.0454 -3.1619 -3.0726 -2.9826 1.0620  338
(Intercept)-EAME -2.8117 0.0737 -2.9490 -2.8142 -2.6609 1.0038  519
(Intercept)-AMCR -2.1136 0.2519 -2.5254 -2.1389 -1.5631 1.0017  753
(Intercept)-BACS -2.7807 0.0809 -2.9362 -2.7827 -2.6121 1.0149  631
(Intercept)-CARW -2.5230 0.0916 -2.6941 -2.5285 -2.3271 1.0035  585
(Intercept)-COGD -2.7559 0.1549 -3.0388 -2.7604 -2.4340 1.0233  556
(Intercept)-CONI -2.6674 0.1742 -2.9732 -2.6777 -2.2788 1.0197  597
(Intercept)-COYE -2.7336 0.0832 -2.8882 -2.7363 -2.5624 1.0116  650
(Intercept)-EABL -2.8176 0.1022 -3.0121 -2.8222 -2.6075 1.0027  657
(Intercept)-GCFL -2.1946 0.1488 -2.4321 -2.2101 -1.8614 1.0144  517
(Intercept)-MODO -2.5476 0.0723 -2.6828 -2.5484 -2.3979 1.0050  616
(Intercept)-NOCA -2.1354 0.2065 -2.4753 -2.1608 -1.6732 1.0001  603
(Intercept)-NOMO -2.2829 0.1439 -2.5352 -2.2948 -1.9774 1.0060  777
(Intercept)-RBWO -2.1138 0.1528 -2.3620 -2.1305 -1.7595 1.0335  538
(Intercept)-RHWO -2.3051 0.2343 -2.6930 -2.3259 -1.7521 1.0192  729
(Intercept)-WEVI -2.6042 0.1271 -2.8358 -2.6104 -2.3323 1.0090  778
scale(wind)-EATO -0.0866 0.0334 -0.1533 -0.0861 -0.0192 1.0075 2654
scale(wind)-EAME  0.0510 0.0415 -0.0287  0.0508  0.1351 1.0122 2414
scale(wind)-AMCR -0.0238 0.1243 -0.2605 -0.0261  0.2301 1.0040 3072
scale(wind)-BACS -0.1959 0.0724 -0.3487 -0.1962 -0.0587 0.9997 2536
scale(wind)-CARW -0.0081 0.0699 -0.1438 -0.0086  0.1338 1.0006 2657
scale(wind)-COGD  0.0841 0.0914 -0.0858  0.0805  0.2771 1.0026 3000
scale(wind)-CONI -0.0011 0.0929 -0.1786 -0.0033  0.1885 1.0001 2790
scale(wind)-COYE -0.0632 0.0664 -0.1972 -0.0626  0.0681 1.0003 2786
scale(wind)-EABL -0.0210 0.0778 -0.1742 -0.0220  0.1312 1.0067 2731
scale(wind)-GCFL -0.0186 0.0720 -0.1500 -0.0211  0.1312 1.0010 2529
scale(wind)-MODO -0.0704 0.0481 -0.1628 -0.0708  0.0265 1.0012 2986
scale(wind)-NOCA -0.0964 0.1197 -0.3388 -0.0952  0.1416 1.0004 2759
scale(wind)-NOMO  0.2333 0.0873  0.0893  0.2234  0.4264 0.9998 1849
scale(wind)-RBWO  0.0663 0.0821 -0.0819  0.0610  0.2422 1.0024 2067
scale(wind)-RHWO -0.2013 0.1613 -0.5347 -0.2006  0.1044 1.0008 2693
scale(wind)-WEVI -0.0228 0.0862 -0.1893 -0.0250  0.1506 1.0000 3000
# Or more explicitly
# summary(, level = 'both')

Here we see all Rhat values are less than 1.1 and ESS values are substantially large, indicating the MCMC chains have successfully converged. Looking at the species-specific abundance effects, we can see clear variation in the effects of grassland and forest cover on birds in this area. Further, the species-specific intercepts show substantial variation in average abundance per hectare (aka density) across the species, with EATO having (by far) the largest average density.

Next we provide some code to generate a plot of species-specific detection probability and how it relates to distance. We also include the community-wide average detection probability (the black line) along with the 95% credible interval for the community average (the gray band).

# Generate a plot of species-specific detection probability --------------- <-$alpha.samples[, 1:n.sp]
det.means <- apply(exp(, 2, mean)
det.comm.means <- mean(exp($alpha.comm.samples[, 1]))
det.comm.quants <- quantile(exp($alpha.comm.samples[, 1]), c(0.025, 0.975))
x.vals <- seq(0, .250, length.out = 200)
n.vals <- length(x.vals)
p.plot.df <- data.frame(val = NA,
                        x.val = rep(x.vals, n.sp),
                        sp = rep(sp.names, each = n.vals))
for (i in 1:n.sp) {
  indx <- ((i - 1) * n.vals + 1):(i * n.vals)
  p.plot.df$val[indx] <- gxhn(x.vals, det.means[i])

comm.plot.df <- data.frame(mean = gxhn(x.vals, det.comm.means),
                           x.val = x.vals,
                           low = gxhn(x.vals, det.comm.quants[1]),
                           high = gxhn(x.vals, det.comm.quants[2]))
ggplot(data = comm.plot.df) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(x = x.val, ymin = low, ymax = high), fill = 'grey',
              alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_line(data = p.plot.df, aes(x = x.val, y = val, col = sp), lwd = 1, lty = 1) +
  theme_bw(base_size = 14) +
  geom_line(aes(x = x.val, y = mean), col = 'black', lwd = 1.3) +
  labs(x = 'Distance (m)', y = 'Detection Probability', col = 'Species')

We see a fair amount of variation in detection probability across the species, with EATO having the quickest decay.

Posterior predictive checks

As with single-species models, we can use the ppcAbund() function to perform posterior predictive checks, and summarize the check with a Bayesian p-value using the summary() function. The summary() function again requires the level argument to specify if you want an overall Bayesian p-value for the entire community (level = 'community'), each individual species (level = 'species'), or for both (level = 'both'). By default, we set `level = ‘both’. <- ppcAbund(, fit.stat = 'chi-squared', group = 1)
Currently on species 1 out of 16
Currently on species 2 out of 16
Currently on species 3 out of 16
Currently on species 4 out of 16
Currently on species 5 out of 16
Currently on species 6 out of 16
Currently on species 7 out of 16
Currently on species 8 out of 16
Currently on species 9 out of 16
Currently on species 10 out of 16
Currently on species 11 out of 16
Currently on species 12 out of 16
Currently on species 13 out of 16
Currently on species 14 out of 16
Currently on species 15 out of 16
Currently on species 16 out of 16

ppcAbund(object =, fit.stat = "chi-squared", group = 1)

Samples per Chain: 50000
Burn-in: 20000
Thinning Rate: 30
Number of Chains: 3
Total Posterior Samples: 3000

    Community Level
Bayesian p-value:  0.4453 

    Species Level
EATO Bayesian p-value: 0.4373
EAME Bayesian p-value: 0.357
AMCR Bayesian p-value: 0.2367
BACS Bayesian p-value: 0.0497
CARW Bayesian p-value: 0.438
COGD Bayesian p-value: 0.361
CONI Bayesian p-value: 0.2093
COYE Bayesian p-value: 0.4993
EABL Bayesian p-value: 0.4587
GCFL Bayesian p-value: 0.6863
MODO Bayesian p-value: 0.445
NOCA Bayesian p-value: 0.3283
NOMO Bayesian p-value: 0.874
RBWO Bayesian p-value: 0.738
RHWO Bayesian p-value: 0.6853
WEVI Bayesian p-value: 0.3203
Fit statistic:  chi-squared 

Model selection using WAIC

We can compute the WAIC for comparison with alternative models using the waicAbund() function. For multi-species models, we can calculate the WAIC for the entire data set, or we can calculate it separately for each species. This is done by using the logical by.sp argument. Note that the WAIC for the entire data set is simply the sum of all the WAIC values for the individual responses. Below we calculate the WAIC by species for the multi-species model and compare the WAIC for species 1 to the corresponding WAIC for the non-spatial single-species model we fit for that species.

# Multi-species HDS model 
waicAbund(, by.sp = TRUE)
N.max not specified. Setting upper index of integration of N to 10 plus
the largest estimated abundance value at each site in object$N.samples
Currently on species 1 out of 16
Currently on species 2 out of 16
Currently on species 3 out of 16
Currently on species 4 out of 16
Currently on species 5 out of 16
Currently on species 6 out of 16
Currently on species 7 out of 16
Currently on species 8 out of 16
Currently on species 9 out of 16
Currently on species 10 out of 16
Currently on species 11 out of 16
Currently on species 12 out of 16
Currently on species 13 out of 16
Currently on species 14 out of 16
Currently on species 15 out of 16
Currently on species 16 out of 16
         elpd       pD      WAIC
1  -256.00212 4.969533 521.94331
2  -160.20401 4.352690 329.11340
3   -44.31214 4.043176  96.71064
4  -152.21178 6.975720 318.37500
5  -135.65333 4.383538 280.07374
6   -48.92443 3.681445 105.21175
7   -50.83144 4.526232 110.71535
8  -148.08196 4.335631 304.83518
9   -87.68360 3.018917 181.40504
10 -141.39292 3.807378 290.40059
11 -184.59930 4.131924 377.46244
12  -83.84912 3.461680 174.62160
13  -80.56650 2.569389 166.27177
14 -138.00114 3.061681 282.12565
15  -37.76504 3.171855  81.87380
16  -81.84562 4.766777 173.22479
# Single-species Poisson HDS model for EATO
N.max not specified. Setting upper index of integration of N to 10 plus
the largest estimated abundance value at each site in object$N.samples
       elpd          pD        WAIC 
-255.728227    5.173769  521.803993 

We could of course also run the same model with a negative binomial distribution for abundance, or using the negative exponential detection function.


Prediction proceeds exactly as we have seen previously with the single-species non-spatial HDS model. Below we provide code to predict abundance and generate a map of total expected abundance across all species as a simple measure of “how many birds” we could expect at any given location (note the code is not run and can take a fair amount of memory).

# Recall what is in the prediction design matrix X.0
str(X.0) <- predict(, X.0)
# Note this takes a fair amount of memory to execute
# Total expected abundance across all species at each site.
mu.sum.samples <- apply($mu.0.samples, c(1, 3), sum)
# Average total abundance at each site
mu.sum.means <- apply(mu.sum.samples, 2, mean)
plot.df <- data.frame(Easting = neonPredData$easting,
                      Northing = neonPredData$northing,
                      mu.sum.means = mu.sum.means)
coords.stars <- st_as_stars(plot.df, crs = st_crs(32617))
coords.sf <- st_as_sf($coords), coords = c('easting', 'northing'),
                      crs = st_crs(32617))
# Plot of median estimate
ggplot() +
  geom_stars(data = coords.stars, aes(x = Easting, y = Northing, fill = mu.sum.means)) +
  geom_sf(data = coords.sf) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(na.value = NA) +
  theme_bw(base_size = 14) +
  labs(fill = 'Individuals\nper ha', x = 'Longitude', y = 'Latitude',
       title = 'Average total density of birds')

Latent factor multi-species HDS models

Basic model description

The latent factor multi-species HDS model is identical to the previously described multi-species HDS model except we include an additional component in the model to accommodate residual correlations between species. This type of model is often referred to as an abundance-based joint species distribution model (JSDM) in the statistical ecology literature (Warton et al. 2015). The previously described multi-species HDS model can be viewed as a simplified version of the latent factor multi-species HDS model, where we assume there are no residual correlations between species.

The model is identical to the previously described multi-species HDS model, with the only addition being a species-specific random effect at each site added to the equation for expected abundance. More specifically, we model species-specific abundance as

\[\begin{equation} \text{log}(\mu_{i, j}) = \boldsymbol{x}_j^\top\boldsymbol{\beta}_i + \text{w}^\ast_{i, j}. \end{equation}\]

The species-specific random effect \(\text{w}^\ast_{i, j}\) is used to account for residual correlations between species by assuming that correlation amongst the species can be explained by species-specific effects of a set of \(q\) latent variables. More specifically, we use a factor modeling approach (Lopes and West 2004) to account for species residual correlations in a computationally efficient manner (Tobler et al. 2019). This approach is ideal for large groups of species, where estimating a full \(I \times I\) covariance matrix would be computatinally intractable (and/or require massive amounts of data). Specifically, we decompose \(\text{w}^\ast_{i, j}\) into a linear combination of \(q\) latent variables (i.e., factors) and their associated species-specific coefficients (i.e., factor loadings) according to

\[\begin{equation}\label{factorModel} \text{w}^\ast_{i, j} = \boldsymbol{\lambda}_i^\top\text{w}_j, \end{equation}\]

where \(\boldsymbol{\lambda}_i^\top\) is the \(i\text{th}\) row of factor loadings from an \(I \times q\) loadings matrix \(\boldsymbol{\Lambda}\), and \(\text{w}_j\) is a \(q \times 1\) vector of independent latent factors at site \(j\). By settng \(q << N\), we achieve dimension reduction to efficiently model communities with a large number of species (Taylor-Rodriguez et al. 2019; Tobler et al. 2019; Doser, Finley, and Banerjee 2023). The approach accounts for residual species correlations via their species-specific responses to the \(q\) factors. We model each latent factor as a standard normal random variable. To ensure identifiability of the latent factors from the latent factor loadings, we fix the upper triangle of the factor loadings matrix to 0 and the diagonal elements to 1. We assign standard normal priors to the lower triangular elements of the factor loadings matrix. All other priors are identical to the multi-species HDS model previously discussed.

The constraints on the factor loadings matrix ensures identifiability of the factor loadings from the latent factors, but this also results in important practical considerations when fitting these models (e.g., ordering of the species, initial values). The spOccupancy website provides a variety of vignettes that discuss these considerations. All the advice applied to factor models fit with detection-nondetection data in spOccupancy also apply to factor models fit in spAbundance.

Fitting latent factor multi-species HDS models with lfMsDS()

The function lfMsDS() fits latent factor multi-species HDS models in spAbundance. The arguments are identical to those in msDS() with one additional argument that specifies the number of factors we wish to use in the model (n.factors):

lfMsDS(abund.formula, det.formula, data, inits, priors,
       tuning, n.factors, n.batch, batch.length, accept.rate = 0.43,
       family = 'Poisson', transect = 'line', det.func = 'halfnormal',
       n.omp.threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, = 100,
       n.burn = round(.10 * n.batch * batch.length), n.thin = 1,
       n.chains = 1, ...)

For guidance on choosing the number of latent factors, see the section on fitting latent factor multi-species occupancy models on the spOccupancy website. Here we will fit a model with a single factor.

n.factors <- 1

There are only a few slight differences in how we go about fitting a multi-species HDS model with latent factors compared to one without latent factors. The data format as well as abund.formula and det.formula remain the same as before.

abund.formula <- ~ scale(forest) + scale(grass)
det.formula <- ~ scale(wind)
List of 5
 $ y          : num [1:16, 1:90, 1:4] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 3
  .. ..$ : chr [1:16] "EATO" "EAME" "AMCR" "BACS" ...
  .. ..$ : NULL
  .. ..$ : NULL
 $ covs       :'data.frame':    90 obs. of  4 variables:
  ..$ wind  : int [1:90] 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 ...
  ..$ day   : num [1:90] 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 129 ...
  ..$ forest: num [1:90] 0.18 0.0962 0.0577 0.1569 0.08 ...
  ..$ grass : num [1:90] 0.2 0.192 0.192 0.216 0.22 ...
 $ dist.breaks: num [1:5] 0 0.025 0.05 0.1 0.25
 $ offset     : num 19.6
 $ coords     : num [1:90, 1:2] 458629 458879 459129 458629 458879 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : NULL
  .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "easting" "northing"

Initial values are specified as with msDS(), with the exception that we can now specify initial values for the latent factor loadings matrix lambda and the latent factors w. Initial values for the species-specific factor loadings (lambda) are specified as a numeric matrix with \(I\) rows and \(q\) columns, where \(I\) is the number of species and \(q\) is the number of latent factors used in the model. The diagonal elements of the matrix must be 1, and values in the upper triangle must be set to 0 to ensure identifiability of the latent factors. Note that the default initial values for the lower triangle of the factor loadings matrix is 0. Below we set these default values to random values from a standard normal distribution (the prior distribution). We can also specify the initial values for the latent factors. Below we set these to 0 (which is the default).

# Initiate all lambda initial values to 0.
lambda.inits <- matrix(0, n.sp, n.factors)
# Set diagonal elements to 1
diag(lambda.inits) <- 1
# Set lower triangular elements to random values from a standard normal distribution
lambda.inits[lower.tri(lambda.inits)] <- rnorm(sum(lower.tri(lambda.inits)))
# Make sure it's a matrix
lambda.inits <- as.matrix(lambda.inits)
# Check it out.
 [1,]  1.000000000
 [2,] -0.023587171
 [3,] -0.647174229
 [4,]  1.116599778
 [5,]  0.094833926
 [6,]  1.773230720
 [7,]  0.629039432
 [8,]  0.623396492
 [9,] -1.642673618
[10,]  0.908293438
[11,] -0.822336401
[12,] -0.352766710
[13,] -0.080026349
[14,]  0.001824156
[15,]  0.432969602
[16,]  0.704597196
w.inits <- matrix(0, n.factors, ncol(neonDWP$y))
ms.inits <- list(alpha.comm = 0,
                 beta.comm = 0,
                 beta = 0,
                 alpha = 0,
                 tau.sq.beta = 1,
                 kappa = 1,
                 tau.sq.alpha = 1,
        = 0.5,
                 lambda = lambda.inits, 
                 w = w.inits,
                 N = apply(neonDWP$y, c(1, 2), sum, na.rm = TRUE))

Priors are specified exactly the same as we saw with msDS(). We do not need to explicitly specify the prior for the factor loadings, as we require the prior for the lower-triangular values to be Normal(0, 1).

ms.priors <- list(beta.comm.normal = list(mean = 0, var = 100),
                  alpha.comm.normal = list(mean = 0, var = 100),
                  tau.sq.beta.ig = list(a = 0.1, b = 0.1),
                  tau.sq.alpha.ig = list(a = 0.1, b = 0.1), 
                  kappa.unif = list(a = 0, b = 100))

We finish up by specifying the tuning values, where now we specify the initial tuning variance for the factor loadings lambda as well as the latent factors w. We then run the model for a single chain of 50,000 iterations (2000 batches of length 25) with a burn-in of 20,000 samples and a thinning rate of 30. For a complete analysis we would run multiple chains, but here we use a single chain to keep run times reasonable for example purposes. We will fit the model with a Poisson distribution for abundance.

# Specify initial tuning values
ms.tuning <- list(beta = 0.3, alpha = 0.3, = 0.5, kappa = 0.5, 
                  w = 0.5, lambda = 0.5)
# Approx. run time:  2.5 min <- lfMsDS(abund.formula = abund.formula,
                    det.formula = det.formula,
                    data = neonDWP,
                    inits = ms.inits,
                    n.batch = 2000,
                    tuning = ms.tuning,
                    batch.length = 25,
                    priors = ms.priors,
                    n.omp.threads = 1,
                    n.factors = n.factors,
                    family = 'Poisson',
                    det.func = 'halfnormal',
                    transect = 'point',
                    verbose = TRUE,
           = 500,
                    n.burn = 20000,
                    n.thin = 30,
                    n.chains = 1)
    Preparing to run the model
    Model description
Latent Factor Multi-species Poisson HDS model with 90 sites and 16 species.

Samples per Chain: 50000 (2000 batches of length 25)
Burn-in: 20000 
Thinning Rate: 30 
Number of Chains: 1 
Total Posterior Samples: 1000 

Using 1 latent factors.

Source compiled with OpenMP support and model fit using 1 thread(s).

Adaptive Metropolis with target acceptance rate: 43.0
    Chain 1
Sampling ... 
Batch: 500 of 2000, 25.00%
    Species Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    1   beta[1]     36.0        0.05647
    1   alpha[1]    40.0        0.07934
    2   beta[1]     40.0        0.11837
    2   alpha[1]    36.0        0.12822
    3   beta[1]     56.0        0.47049
    3   alpha[1]    52.0        0.33488
    4   beta[1]     52.0        0.12320
    4   alpha[1]    32.0        0.12822
    5   beta[1]     44.0        0.15978
    5   alpha[1]    48.0        0.12822
    6   beta[1]     44.0        0.23836
    6   alpha[1]    40.0        0.22448
    7   beta[1]     48.0        0.31538
    7   alpha[1]    44.0        0.30914
    8   beta[1]     40.0        0.14171
    8   alpha[1]    48.0        0.12822
    9   beta[1]     40.0        0.15047
    9   alpha[1]    52.0        0.16630
    10  beta[1]     76.0        0.20312
    10  alpha[1]    52.0        0.16966
    11  beta[1]     32.0        0.12822
    11  alpha[1]    44.0        0.10498
    12  beta[1]     56.0        0.32175
    12  alpha[1]    36.0        0.23836
    13  beta[1]     52.0        0.23364
    13  alpha[1]    64.0        0.18379
    14  beta[1]     44.0        0.22003
    14  alpha[1]    28.0        0.15661
    15  beta[1]     40.0        0.39299
    15  alpha[1]    32.0        0.29113
    16  beta[1]     60.0        0.22003
    16  alpha[1]    60.0        0.20722
Batch: 1000 of 2000, 50.00%
    Species Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    1   beta[1]     40.0        0.05997
    1   alpha[1]    40.0        0.07472
    2   beta[1]     32.0        0.11837
    2   alpha[1]    32.0        0.12076
    3   beta[1]     56.0        0.47049
    3   alpha[1]    40.0        0.32175
    4   beta[1]     48.0        0.11837
    4   alpha[1]    44.0        0.12822
    5   beta[1]     36.0        0.15978
    5   alpha[1]    52.0        0.13615
    6   beta[1]     56.0        0.28537
    6   alpha[1]    40.0        0.25821
    7   beta[1]     48.0        0.30914
    7   alpha[1]    48.0        0.26343
    8   beta[1]     48.0        0.12822
    8   alpha[1]    48.0        0.13615
    9   beta[1]     24.0        0.14457
    9   alpha[1]    32.0        0.16630
    10  beta[1]     48.0        0.21141
    10  alpha[1]    56.0        0.15047
    11  beta[1]     44.0        0.12822
    11  alpha[1]    36.0        0.12320
    12  beta[1]     48.0        0.32825
    12  alpha[1]    40.0        0.22448
    13  beta[1]     28.0        0.23836
    13  alpha[1]    56.0        0.17658
    14  beta[1]     28.0        0.20312
    14  alpha[1]    40.0        0.15351
    15  beta[1]     36.0        0.41729
    15  alpha[1]    40.0        0.31538
    16  beta[1]     44.0        0.20312
    16  alpha[1]    40.0        0.17658
Batch: 1500 of 2000, 75.00%
    Species Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    1   beta[1]     44.0        0.05319
    1   alpha[1]    52.0        0.07934
    2   beta[1]     48.0        0.12320
    2   alpha[1]    36.0        0.12076
    3   beta[1]     52.0        0.43432
    3   alpha[1]    60.0        0.34165
    4   beta[1]     32.0        0.11372
    4   alpha[1]    52.0        0.12569
    5   beta[1]     44.0        0.16301
    5   alpha[1]    48.0        0.13081
    6   beta[1]     44.0        0.27418
    6   alpha[1]    52.0        0.26343
    7   beta[1]     48.0        0.32825
    7   alpha[1]    52.0        0.28537
    8   beta[1]     44.0        0.13890
    8   alpha[1]    36.0        0.12822
    9   beta[1]     44.0        0.15978
    9   alpha[1]    44.0        0.18750
    10  beta[1]     24.0        0.18015
    10  alpha[1]    36.0        0.14749
    11  beta[1]     48.0        0.13081
    11  alpha[1]    56.0        0.11147
    12  beta[1]     48.0        0.34855
    12  alpha[1]    40.0        0.24318
    13  beta[1]     36.0        0.21568
    13  alpha[1]    52.0        0.16966
    14  beta[1]     24.0        0.18750
    14  alpha[1]    40.0        0.17308
    15  beta[1]     48.0        0.38521
    15  alpha[1]    56.0        0.28537
    16  beta[1]     56.0        0.23364
    16  alpha[1]    40.0        0.19515
Batch: 2000 of 2000, 100.00%

lfMsDS(abund.formula = abund.formula, det.formula = det.formula, 
    data = neonDWP, inits = ms.inits, priors = ms.priors, tuning = ms.tuning, 
    n.factors = n.factors, n.batch = 2000, batch.length = 25, 
    family = "Poisson", transect = "point", det.func = "halfnormal", 
    n.omp.threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, = 500, n.burn = 20000, 
    n.thin = 30, n.chains = 1)

Samples per Chain: 50000
Burn-in: 20000
Thinning Rate: 30
Number of Chains: 1
Total Posterior Samples: 1000
Run Time (min): 2.1242

    Community Level
Abundance Means (log scale): 
                 Mean     SD    2.5%     50%   97.5% Rhat ESS
(Intercept)   -2.4883 0.3149 -3.1233 -2.4849 -1.8703   NA 389
scale(forest) -0.0630 0.0956 -0.2629 -0.0602  0.1175   NA 794
scale(grass)   0.0635 0.1209 -0.1767  0.0703  0.3136   NA 660

Abundance Variances (log scale): 
                Mean     SD   2.5%    50%  97.5% Rhat ESS
(Intercept)   1.5411 0.6746 0.6873 1.3890 3.2306   NA 613
scale(forest) 0.1088 0.0608 0.0340 0.0954 0.2585   NA 476
scale(grass)  0.1834 0.0978 0.0650 0.1634 0.4381   NA 560

Detection Means (log scale): 
               Mean     SD    2.5%     50%   97.5% Rhat ESS
(Intercept) -2.5313 0.1030 -2.7247 -2.5347 -2.3164   NA 605
scale(wind) -0.0161 0.0579 -0.1242 -0.0164  0.0991   NA 857

Detection Variances (log scale): 
              Mean     SD   2.5%    50%  97.5% Rhat ESS
(Intercept) 0.1400 0.0736 0.0515 0.1241 0.3342   NA 563
scale(wind) 0.0378 0.0180 0.0157 0.0330 0.0838   NA 823

    Species Level
Abundance (log scale): 
                      Mean     SD    2.5%     50%   97.5% Rhat ESS
(Intercept)-EATO   -0.0822 0.1768 -0.4374 -0.0796  0.2387   NA  51
(Intercept)-EAME   -1.4247 0.2208 -1.8890 -1.4116 -0.9974   NA 121
(Intercept)-AMCR   -4.1458 0.4230 -4.9517 -4.1369 -3.3466   NA 259
(Intercept)-BACS   -1.7245 0.2586 -2.2318 -1.7167 -1.2292   NA  85
(Intercept)-CARW   -2.0766 0.2535 -2.5918 -2.0743 -1.5779   NA 161
(Intercept)-COGD   -3.0355 0.4216 -3.8881 -3.0329 -2.2243   NA 100
(Intercept)-CONI   -3.5597 0.4766 -4.5641 -3.5236 -2.7281   NA 120
(Intercept)-COYE   -1.5934 0.2249 -2.0070 -1.5948 -1.1464   NA 132
(Intercept)-EABL   -2.1055 0.3315 -2.7225 -2.1086 -1.4453   NA 103
(Intercept)-GCFL   -2.4164 0.2547 -2.9405 -2.4097 -1.9114   NA 180
(Intercept)-MODO   -1.5277 0.1921 -1.9047 -1.5317 -1.1590   NA 139
(Intercept)-NOCA   -3.5883 0.3731 -4.3846 -3.5929 -2.8783   NA 171
(Intercept)-NOMO   -3.3305 0.3469 -4.0638 -3.2988 -2.6570   NA 200
(Intercept)-RBWO   -2.4615 0.2216 -2.8629 -2.4647 -2.0153   NA 220
(Intercept)-RHWO   -4.1575 0.4893 -5.1468 -4.1405 -3.2504   NA 219
(Intercept)-WEVI   -2.9528 0.3714 -3.7074 -2.9367 -2.2476   NA 136
scale(forest)-EATO  0.2087 0.1256 -0.0411  0.2104  0.4482   NA 128
scale(forest)-EAME  0.2204 0.1243 -0.0282  0.2192  0.4797   NA 320
scale(forest)-AMCR  0.0297 0.2110 -0.3944  0.0329  0.4399   NA 841
scale(forest)-BACS -0.0058 0.1504 -0.3024 -0.0076  0.3061   NA 272
scale(forest)-CARW -0.1114 0.1499 -0.4019 -0.1100  0.1784   NA 371
scale(forest)-COGD -0.3417 0.2305 -0.8059 -0.3333  0.0825   NA 355
scale(forest)-CONI -0.1719 0.2225 -0.5766 -0.1623  0.2761   NA 528
scale(forest)-COYE  0.0612 0.1316 -0.1923  0.0579  0.3209   NA 387
scale(forest)-EABL -0.0765 0.1718 -0.4226 -0.0844  0.2623   NA 335
scale(forest)-GCFL -0.0075 0.1348 -0.2569 -0.0085  0.2525   NA 621
scale(forest)-MODO -0.2298 0.1114 -0.4400 -0.2294 -0.0202   NA 338
scale(forest)-NOCA  0.0074 0.1857 -0.3594  0.0025  0.3851   NA 513
scale(forest)-NOMO  0.2395 0.1631 -0.0651  0.2348  0.5748   NA 416
scale(forest)-RBWO -0.1638 0.1243 -0.4040 -0.1624  0.0648   NA 838
scale(forest)-RHWO -0.6788 0.2773 -1.2502 -0.6569 -0.1916   NA 392
scale(forest)-WEVI  0.0473 0.2112 -0.3493  0.0547  0.4706   NA 397
scale(grass)-EATO  -0.0199 0.1353 -0.2939 -0.0105  0.2183   NA  86
scale(grass)-EAME   0.3430 0.1356  0.0935  0.3377  0.6215   NA 260
scale(grass)-AMCR  -0.1656 0.2487 -0.6724 -0.1620  0.3113   NA 768
scale(grass)-BACS  -0.0573 0.1722 -0.4094 -0.0576  0.2766   NA 199
scale(grass)-CARW  -0.1208 0.1677 -0.4710 -0.1130  0.1867   NA 223
scale(grass)-COGD   0.0354 0.2505 -0.4410  0.0455  0.5120   NA 293
scale(grass)-CONI   0.1745 0.2582 -0.3446  0.1865  0.6553   NA 438
scale(grass)-COYE  -0.1335 0.1375 -0.4007 -0.1361  0.1286   NA 340
scale(grass)-EABL  -0.0855 0.1844 -0.4721 -0.0778  0.2414   NA 335
scale(grass)-GCFL  -0.1020 0.1382 -0.3803 -0.0996  0.1805   NA 451
scale(grass)-MODO   0.1936 0.1140 -0.0260  0.1926  0.4241   NA 471
scale(grass)-NOCA   0.0253 0.2174 -0.4257  0.0244  0.4514   NA 253
scale(grass)-NOMO   1.1991 0.2405  0.7362  1.1983  1.6810   NA 430
scale(grass)-RBWO  -0.1187 0.1304 -0.3702 -0.1198  0.1393   NA 702
scale(grass)-RHWO  -0.1500 0.2622 -0.6546 -0.1481  0.3760   NA 653
scale(grass)-WEVI  -0.0834 0.2113 -0.5160 -0.0827  0.2976   NA 303

Detection (log scale): 
                    Mean     SD    2.5%     50%   97.5% Rhat  ESS
(Intercept)-EATO -3.0719 0.0445 -3.1578 -3.0718 -2.9852   NA  119
(Intercept)-EAME -2.7941 0.0713 -2.9317 -2.7978 -2.6436   NA  224
(Intercept)-AMCR -2.1047 0.2532 -2.5017 -2.1398 -1.5404   NA  313
(Intercept)-BACS -2.7854 0.0780 -2.9286 -2.7885 -2.6313   NA  245
(Intercept)-CARW -2.5283 0.0996 -2.7068 -2.5330 -2.3113   NA  171
(Intercept)-COGD -2.7584 0.1538 -3.0544 -2.7625 -2.4313   NA  161
(Intercept)-CONI -2.6615 0.1782 -2.9877 -2.6655 -2.2635   NA  246
(Intercept)-COYE -2.7243 0.0845 -2.8938 -2.7266 -2.5613   NA  173
(Intercept)-EABL -2.8277 0.1082 -3.0361 -2.8303 -2.6060   NA  111
(Intercept)-GCFL -2.2332 0.1343 -2.4543 -2.2498 -1.9273   NA  215
(Intercept)-MODO -2.5448 0.0732 -2.6785 -2.5467 -2.3989   NA  230
(Intercept)-NOCA -2.1360 0.2036 -2.4476 -2.1643 -1.6872   NA  239
(Intercept)-NOMO -2.3081 0.1357 -2.5502 -2.3174 -2.0090   NA  264
(Intercept)-RBWO -2.1181 0.1423 -2.3557 -2.1316 -1.8007   NA  213
(Intercept)-RHWO -2.3079 0.2402 -2.7278 -2.3228 -1.8099   NA  282
(Intercept)-WEVI -2.6088 0.1269 -2.8344 -2.6105 -2.3452   NA  265
scale(wind)-EATO -0.0653 0.0383 -0.1408 -0.0655  0.0166   NA  359
scale(wind)-EAME  0.0348 0.0428 -0.0540  0.0351  0.1163   NA  605
scale(wind)-AMCR -0.0074 0.1311 -0.2533 -0.0127  0.2761   NA  797
scale(wind)-BACS -0.2327 0.0835 -0.4080 -0.2287 -0.0811   NA  477
scale(wind)-CARW  0.0079 0.0751 -0.1291  0.0062  0.1615   NA  710
scale(wind)-COGD  0.0894 0.0922 -0.0802  0.0859  0.2782   NA 1000
scale(wind)-CONI -0.0060 0.0971 -0.1823 -0.0111  0.1913   NA  772
scale(wind)-COYE -0.0639 0.0700 -0.1998 -0.0617  0.0726   NA  653
scale(wind)-EABL -0.0264 0.0806 -0.1792 -0.0287  0.1443   NA  824
scale(wind)-GCFL -0.0086 0.0706 -0.1442 -0.0084  0.1301   NA  696
scale(wind)-MODO -0.0623 0.0500 -0.1575 -0.0629  0.0394   NA  950
scale(wind)-NOCA -0.0576 0.1230 -0.2966 -0.0594  0.1850   NA  744
scale(wind)-NOMO  0.2456 0.0968  0.0880  0.2376  0.4633   NA  383
scale(wind)-RBWO  0.0688 0.0818 -0.0772  0.0663  0.2502   NA  499
scale(wind)-RHWO -0.1917 0.1634 -0.5202 -0.1899  0.1413   NA  814
scale(wind)-WEVI -0.0003 0.0926 -0.1817 -0.0001  0.1792   NA  587

Note that the factor loadings themselves are not shown in the summary() output, but are available in the lambda.samples portion of the model list object.

# ESS for lambda$ESS$lambda
   EATO-1    EAME-1    AMCR-1    BACS-1    CARW-1    COGD-1    CONI-1    COYE-1 
  0.00000  99.22126 206.27811  38.38516 195.84434 129.22036  64.60092 152.91945 
   EABL-1    GCFL-1    MODO-1    NOCA-1    NOMO-1    RBWO-1    RHWO-1    WEVI-1 
164.70237 355.35448 126.48185 176.80013 167.06664 378.14479 229.58785 153.16638 
# Posterior quantiles for the latent factor loadings
              2.5%         25%        50%         75%       97.5%
EATO-1  1.00000000  1.00000000  1.0000000  1.00000000  1.00000000
EAME-1 -0.97740605 -0.61658624 -0.4696155 -0.30619549 -0.01558045
AMCR-1 -0.81387785 -0.19051220  0.1201048  0.45189102  1.15273177
BACS-1 -1.74599434 -1.38562569 -1.1499378 -0.89942683 -0.40592449
CARW-1  0.06268297  0.43687061  0.6364128  0.81808401  1.22226318
COGD-1 -0.71875887 -0.11266040  0.2300554  0.57689206  1.24906043
CONI-1 -2.05915233 -1.30648498 -0.8892407 -0.50647936  0.44616703
COYE-1 -0.59248942 -0.26620074 -0.1063640  0.07141423  0.39590305
EABL-1 -1.08742598 -0.67090086 -0.4335337 -0.20214031  0.29613607
GCFL-1  0.06785623  0.30574890  0.4622588  0.62516419  0.92730519
MODO-1 -0.16910329  0.11133259  0.2557478  0.40350848  0.74987570
NOCA-1  0.35777486  0.83873414  1.0811640  1.36177157  1.86506720
NOMO-1 -0.32788248 -0.02895023  0.1730366  0.37370216  0.77385097
RBWO-1 -0.31366629 -0.02812946  0.1154850  0.26238722  0.53870444
RHWO-1 -0.69386285 -0.04904413  0.2811197  0.63695552  1.33405250
WEVI-1  0.36507576  0.86303891  1.1234650  1.42200239  2.06456547

We can inspect the latent factor loadings as well as the latent factors (stored in$w.samples) to provide information on any groupings that arise from the species in the modeled community. See Appendix S1 in Doser, Finley, and Banerjee (2023) for a discussion on using factor models as a model-based ordination technique.

Posterior predictive checks

We again use the ppcAbund() function perform a posterior predictive check of our model <- ppcAbund(, fit.stat = 'chi-squared', group = 1)
Currently on species 1 out of 16
Currently on species 2 out of 16
Currently on species 3 out of 16
Currently on species 4 out of 16
Currently on species 5 out of 16
Currently on species 6 out of 16
Currently on species 7 out of 16
Currently on species 8 out of 16
Currently on species 9 out of 16
Currently on species 10 out of 16
Currently on species 11 out of 16
Currently on species 12 out of 16
Currently on species 13 out of 16
Currently on species 14 out of 16
Currently on species 15 out of 16
Currently on species 16 out of 16
# Summarize with a Bayesian p-value

ppcAbund(object =, fit.stat = "chi-squared", group = 1)

Samples per Chain: 50000
Burn-in: 20000
Thinning Rate: 30
Number of Chains: 1
Total Posterior Samples: 1000

    Community Level
Bayesian p-value:  0.4728 

    Species Level
EATO Bayesian p-value: 0.153
EAME Bayesian p-value: 0.352
AMCR Bayesian p-value: 0.227
BACS Bayesian p-value: 0.229
CARW Bayesian p-value: 0.496
COGD Bayesian p-value: 0.324
CONI Bayesian p-value: 0.378
COYE Bayesian p-value: 0.467
EABL Bayesian p-value: 0.438
GCFL Bayesian p-value: 0.763
MODO Bayesian p-value: 0.492
NOCA Bayesian p-value: 0.513
NOMO Bayesian p-value: 0.881
RBWO Bayesian p-value: 0.687
RHWO Bayesian p-value: 0.656
WEVI Bayesian p-value: 0.508
Fit statistic:  chi-squared 

Model selection using WAIC

We can use waicAbund() to calculate the WAIC for comparison to other models. Below, we compare the regular multi-species HDS model to the latent factor multi-species HDS model.

# With latent factors
waicAbund(, by.sp = TRUE)
N.max not specified. Setting upper index of integration of N to 10 plus
the largest estimated abundance value at each site in object$N.samples
Currently on species 1 out of 16
Currently on species 2 out of 16
Currently on species 3 out of 16
Currently on species 4 out of 16
Currently on species 5 out of 16
Currently on species 6 out of 16
Currently on species 7 out of 16
Currently on species 8 out of 16
Currently on species 9 out of 16
Currently on species 10 out of 16
Currently on species 11 out of 16
Currently on species 12 out of 16
Currently on species 13 out of 16
Currently on species 14 out of 16
Currently on species 15 out of 16
Currently on species 16 out of 16
         elpd        pD      WAIC
1  -251.41364 32.232430 567.29214
2  -154.92031  8.240509 326.32165
3   -43.42008  5.617762  98.07569
4  -126.15607 24.205398 300.72294
5  -129.42362  8.948662 276.74456
6   -48.06946  5.282682 106.70429
7   -44.94058 10.399852 110.68087
8  -147.46988  5.892217 306.72419
9   -85.37152  5.226845 181.19673
10 -137.73898  5.775653 287.02926
11 -182.06488  6.790577 377.71091
12  -73.63756  8.869001 165.01312
13  -80.06064  3.522127 167.16553
14 -137.66758  3.973684 283.28254
15  -36.66088  4.481308  82.28438
16  -72.48177  9.716312 164.39616
# Without latent factors
waicAbund(, by.sp = TRUE)
N.max not specified. Setting upper index of integration of N to 10 plus
the largest estimated abundance value at each site in object$N.samples
Currently on species 1 out of 16
Currently on species 2 out of 16
Currently on species 3 out of 16
Currently on species 4 out of 16
Currently on species 5 out of 16
Currently on species 6 out of 16
Currently on species 7 out of 16
Currently on species 8 out of 16
Currently on species 9 out of 16
Currently on species 10 out of 16
Currently on species 11 out of 16
Currently on species 12 out of 16
Currently on species 13 out of 16
Currently on species 14 out of 16
Currently on species 15 out of 16
Currently on species 16 out of 16
         elpd       pD      WAIC
1  -256.00212 4.969533 521.94331
2  -160.20401 4.352690 329.11340
3   -44.31214 4.043176  96.71064
4  -152.21178 6.975720 318.37500
5  -135.65333 4.383538 280.07374
6   -48.92443 3.681445 105.21175
7   -50.83144 4.526232 110.71535
8  -148.08196 4.335631 304.83518
9   -87.68360 3.018917 181.40504
10 -141.39292 3.807378 290.40059
11 -184.59930 4.131924 377.46244
12  -83.84912 3.461680 174.62160
13  -80.56650 2.569389 166.27177
14 -138.00114 3.061681 282.12565
15  -37.76504 3.171855  81.87380
16  -81.84562 4.766777 173.22479

We see that accommodating species correlations appears to improve model fit for some species, but not for others.


Prediction proceeds exactly as before with the multi-species HDS model, with the only exception being that we need to provide the spatial coordinates for prediction. This is because if predicting at sites where the data were observed, using the latent factors in the prediction can provide substantial improvements.

# Note this takes a fair amount of memory to execute (not run) <- predict(, X.0, coords.0)

Spatial factor multi-species HDS models

Basic model description

Our final model is a spatially-explicit extension of the latent factor multi-species HDS model, where we now account for species correlations and spatial autocorrelation. We do this using a spatial factor modeling approach (Hogan and Tchernis 2004), which is almost identical to the previous latent factor model, but now instead of modeling the latent factors \(\textbf{w}\) as standard normal random variables, we model them as spatial factors. More specifically, we model each of the spatial factors using an independent NNGP, which is identical to how we modeled spatial autocorrelation for a single species with the only exception being that we fix the spatial variance parameter \(\sigma^2\) to 1 to ensure identifiability (Taylor-Rodriguez et al. 2019). We estimate all the parameters we estimated for the latent factor multi-species HDS model, with the addition of \(q\) spatial decay parameters (one for each of the estimated spatial factors), which we model with a uniform prior as we did in the single-species spatial HDS model. This model can be viewed as an abundance-based JSDM that simultaneously accounts for imperfect detection, spatial autocorrelation, and species correlations. Compared to the latent factor multi-species HDS model, the spatial factor model will likely provide improved predictive performance, as the spatial structure of the latent factors allows us to share information across space, including non-sampled locations. For more details on a similar model in the context of occupancy models, see Doser, Finley, and Banerjee (2023).

Fitting spatial factor multi-species HDS models with sfMsDS()

The function sfMsDS() fits spatial factor multi-species HDS models.

sfMsDS(abund.formula, det.formula, data, inits, priors,  
       tuning, cov.model = 'exponential', NNGP = TRUE, 
       n.neighbors = 15, search.type = 'cb', n.factors, 
       n.batch, batch.length, accept.rate = 0.43, 
       family = 'Poisson', transect = 'line', det.func = 'halfnormal', 
       n.omp.threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, = 100, 
       n.burn = round(.10 * n.batch * batch.length), n.thin = 1, 
       n.chains = 1, ...)

We have already discussed all the components required for fitting models with sfMsDS() as it has the same arguments as lfMSDS() as well as the additional arguments for fitting spatial models that we saw with spDS(). Below we run all the code for fitting the same model as we did with lfMsDS(), but now accommodating spatial autocorrelation in the latent factors. Notice the main difference in preparing the model arguments for fitting a model with sfMsDS() compared to lfMsDS() is the addition of the spatial decay parameters phi in the initial values, priors, and tuning variances. Note that out of all the models discussed, sfMsDS() is the slowest model (which makes sense since it is also the most complicated).

# Formulas
abund.formula <- ~ scale(forest) + scale(grass)
det.formula <- ~ scale(wind)

# Initiate all lambda initial values to 0.
lambda.inits <- matrix(0, n.sp, n.factors)
# Set diagonal elements to 1
diag(lambda.inits) <- 1
# Set lower triangular elements to random values from a standard normal distribution
lambda.inits[lower.tri(lambda.inits)] <- rnorm(sum(lower.tri(lambda.inits)))
# Make sure it's a matrix
lambda.inits <- as.matrix(lambda.inits)
# Check it out.
 [1,]  1.0000000
 [2,]  0.4020850
 [3,] -0.3534404
 [4,]  1.0973512
 [5,]  0.8597650
 [6,] -0.3231153
 [7,] -0.5126134
 [8,] -0.6557710
 [9,] -0.1908273
[10,]  1.3465453
[11,] -0.7127088
[12,]  1.4548454
[13,]  1.0233795
[14,]  1.2850208
[15,] -1.2018156
[16,]  0.6504345
# Pair-wise distances between all sites for initial values and prior for phi
dist.mat <- dist(neonDWP$coords)
w.inits <- matrix(0, n.factors, ncol(neonDWP$y))
ms.inits <- list(alpha.comm = 0,
                 beta.comm = 0,
                 beta = 0,
                 alpha = 0,
                 tau.sq.beta = 1,
                 kappa = 1,
                 phi = 3 / mean(dist.mat),
                 tau.sq.alpha = 1,
        = 0.5,
                 lambda = lambda.inits,
                 w = w.inits,
                 N = apply(neonDWP$y, c(1, 2), sum, na.rm = TRUE))
# Exponential covariance model
cov.model <- 'exponential'

# Priors
ms.priors <- list(beta.comm.normal = list(mean = 0, var = 100),
                  alpha.comm.normal = list(mean = 0, var = 100),
                  tau.sq.beta.ig = list(a = 0.1, b = 0.1),
                  tau.sq.alpha.ig = list(a = 0.1, b = 0.1),
                  phi.unif = list(a = 3 / max(dist.mat), 3 / min(dist.mat)),
                  kappa.unif = list(a = 0, b = 100))

# Specify initial tuning values
ms.tuning <- list(beta = 0.3, alpha = 0.3, = 0.5, kappa = 0.5, 
                  w = 0.5, lambda = 0.5, phi = 0.5)
# Approx. run time:  2.88 min <- sfMsDS(abund.formula = abund.formula,
                    det.formula = det.formula,
                    data = neonDWP,
                    inits = ms.inits,
                    n.batch = 2000,
                    tuning = ms.tuning,
                    batch.length = 25,
                    priors = ms.priors,
                    n.omp.threads = 1,
                    n.factors = n.factors,
                    family = 'Poisson',
                    det.func = 'halfnormal',
                    cov.model = 'exponential',
                    NNGP = TRUE, 
                    n.neighbors = 15,
                    transect = 'point',
                    verbose = TRUE,
           = 500,
                    n.burn = 20000,
                    n.thin = 30,
                    n.chains = 1)
    Preparing to run the model
    Building the neighbor list
Building the neighbors of neighbors list
    Model description
Spatial Factor Multi-species Poisson HDS model with 90 sites and 16 species.

Samples per Chain: 50000 (2000 batches of length 25)
Burn-in: 20000 
Thinning Rate: 30 
Number of Chains: 1 
Total Posterior Samples: 1000 

Using the exponential spatial correlation model.

Using 1 latent spatial factors.
Using 15 nearest neighbors.

Source compiled with OpenMP support and model fit using 1 thread(s).

Adaptive Metropolis with target acceptance rate: 43.0
    Chain 1
Sampling ... 
Batch: 500 of 2000, 25.00%
    Number  Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    1   beta[1]     36.0        0.05536
    1   alpha[1]    56.0        0.07934
    2   beta[1]     28.0        0.12320
    2   alpha[1]    40.0        0.11837
    3   beta[1]     40.0        0.47049
    3   alpha[1]    20.0        0.36277
    4   beta[1]     32.0        0.13081
    4   alpha[1]    40.0        0.12822
    5   beta[1]     48.0        0.15978
    5   alpha[1]    28.0        0.14457
    6   beta[1]     44.0        0.27418
    6   alpha[1]    52.0        0.25821
    7   beta[1]     64.0        0.27418
    7   alpha[1]    44.0        0.25821
    8   beta[1]     28.0        0.13081
    8   alpha[1]    28.0        0.12569
    9   beta[1]     44.0        0.17658
    9   alpha[1]    40.0        0.18015
    10  beta[1]     28.0        0.19515
    10  alpha[1]    44.0        0.13346
    11  beta[1]     44.0        0.12822
    11  alpha[1]    56.0        0.11602
    12  beta[1]     40.0        0.26875
    12  alpha[1]    44.0        0.20722
    13  beta[1]     24.0        0.22448
    13  alpha[1]    40.0        0.17658
    14  beta[1]     36.0        0.20722
    14  alpha[1]    56.0        0.15047
    15  beta[1]     36.0        0.44309
    15  alpha[1]    40.0        0.29113
    16  beta[1]     44.0        0.21568
    16  alpha[1]    52.0        0.19515
    1   phi     28.0        2.35574
Batch: 1000 of 2000, 50.00%
    Number  Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    1   beta[1]     48.0        0.05997
    1   alpha[1]    44.0        0.07777
    2   beta[1]     24.0        0.10086
    2   alpha[1]    60.0        0.10710
    3   beta[1]     20.0        0.41729
    3   alpha[1]    28.0        0.32825
    4   beta[1]     44.0        0.11602
    4   alpha[1]    48.0        0.11602
    5   beta[1]     48.0        0.15661
    5   alpha[1]    36.0        0.13081
    6   beta[1]     48.0        0.25821
    6   alpha[1]    36.0        0.27972
    7   beta[1]     60.0        0.29113
    7   alpha[1]    60.0        0.27972
    8   beta[1]     32.0        0.12569
    8   alpha[1]    48.0        0.13615
    9   beta[1]     48.0        0.16301
    9   alpha[1]    36.0        0.17658
    10  beta[1]     44.0        0.20722
    10  alpha[1]    24.0        0.15047
    11  beta[1]     40.0        0.12822
    11  alpha[1]    40.0        0.11372
    12  beta[1]     52.0        0.32825
    12  alpha[1]    28.0        0.22901
    13  beta[1]     36.0        0.24318
    13  alpha[1]    48.0        0.17658
    14  beta[1]     32.0        0.19129
    14  alpha[1]    32.0        0.15047
    15  beta[1]     56.0        0.36277
    15  alpha[1]    20.0        0.30302
    16  beta[1]     48.0        0.22448
    16  alpha[1]    52.0        0.21568
    1   phi     28.0        2.35574
Batch: 1500 of 2000, 75.00%
    Number  Parameter   Acceptance  Tuning
    1   beta[1]     56.0        0.05536
    1   alpha[1]    36.0        0.07324
    2   beta[1]     36.0        0.10498
    2   alpha[1]    56.0        0.11602
    3   beta[1]     28.0        0.40903
    3   alpha[1]    36.0        0.33488
    4   beta[1]     36.0        0.13346
    4   alpha[1]    28.0        0.12569
    5   beta[1]     36.0        0.15978
    5   alpha[1]    52.0        0.13346
    6   beta[1]     48.0        0.22448
    6   alpha[1]    36.0        0.24318
    7   beta[1]     48.0        0.25310
    7   alpha[1]    52.0        0.27972
    8   beta[1]     52.0        0.12320
    8   alpha[1]    40.0        0.12320
    9   beta[1]     48.0        0.16966
    9   alpha[1]    64.0        0.18015
    10  beta[1]     36.0        0.20312
    10  alpha[1]    48.0        0.16301
    11  beta[1]     44.0        0.12822
    11  alpha[1]    56.0        0.10927
    12  beta[1]     28.0        0.31538
    12  alpha[1]    40.0        0.23364
    13  beta[1]     24.0        0.22448
    13  alpha[1]    36.0        0.18015
    14  beta[1]     52.0        0.20722
    14  alpha[1]    64.0        0.15978
    15  beta[1]     28.0        0.41729
    15  alpha[1]    64.0        0.29113
    16  beta[1]     32.0        0.22901
    16  alpha[1]    44.0        0.19910
    1   phi     48.0        2.55194
Batch: 2000 of 2000, 100.00%

sfMsDS(abund.formula = abund.formula, det.formula = det.formula, 
    data = neonDWP, inits = ms.inits, priors = ms.priors, tuning = ms.tuning, 
    cov.model = "exponential", NNGP = TRUE, n.neighbors = 15, 
    n.factors = n.factors, n.batch = 2000, batch.length = 25, 
    family = "Poisson", transect = "point", det.func = "halfnormal", 
    n.omp.threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, = 500, n.burn = 20000, 
    n.thin = 30, n.chains = 1)

Samples per Chain: 50000
Burn-in: 20000
Thinning Rate: 30
Number of Chains: 1
Total Posterior Samples: 1000
Run Time (min): 2.8086

    Community Level
Abundance Means (log scale): 
                 Mean     SD    2.5%     50%   97.5% Rhat ESS
(Intercept)   -2.5808 0.3174 -3.2207 -2.5782 -1.9548   NA 768
scale(forest) -0.0514 0.0987 -0.2527 -0.0485  0.1408   NA 647
scale(grass)   0.0601 0.1212 -0.1819  0.0564  0.2997   NA 555

Abundance Variances (log scale): 
                Mean     SD   2.5%    50%  97.5% Rhat ESS
(Intercept)   1.5440 0.7199 0.6634 1.3969 3.1170   NA 743
scale(forest) 0.1116 0.0730 0.0333 0.0965 0.2956   NA 509
scale(grass)  0.1992 0.1076 0.0666 0.1768 0.4702   NA 547

Detection Means (log scale): 
               Mean     SD    2.5%     50%   97.5% Rhat  ESS
(Intercept) -2.5295 0.1016 -2.7325 -2.5267 -2.3255   NA  595
scale(wind) -0.0178 0.0516 -0.1321 -0.0181  0.0813   NA 1000
Detection Variances (log scale): 
              Mean     SD   2.5%    50%  97.5% Rhat ESS
(Intercept) 0.1425 0.0706 0.0583 0.1237 0.3260   NA 496
scale(wind) 0.0340 0.0170 0.0136 0.0305 0.0716   NA 904

    Species Level
Abundance (log scale): 
                      Mean     SD    2.5%     50%   97.5% Rhat  ESS
(Intercept)-EATO   -0.1546 0.2415 -0.6542 -0.1672  0.3072   NA   18
(Intercept)-EAME   -1.3604 0.2379 -1.8466 -1.3456 -0.9223   NA  102
(Intercept)-AMCR   -4.0525 0.4250 -4.8863 -4.0590 -3.2225   NA  254
(Intercept)-BACS   -2.4964 0.5391 -3.5353 -2.5039 -1.4375   NA   27
(Intercept)-CARW   -1.9153 0.3186 -2.6120 -1.8999 -1.3107   NA   39
(Intercept)-COGD   -3.0500 0.4199 -3.9528 -3.0336 -2.2538   NA  124
(Intercept)-CONI   -3.9311 0.5754 -5.1419 -3.8787 -2.9663   NA  111
(Intercept)-COYE   -1.7178 0.2499 -2.2309 -1.7038 -1.2817   NA  101
(Intercept)-EABL   -2.3633 0.3694 -3.1448 -2.3597 -1.7086   NA   90
(Intercept)-GCFL   -2.3700 0.2715 -2.9334 -2.3577 -1.8834   NA  101
(Intercept)-MODO   -1.5548 0.2000 -1.9483 -1.5434 -1.1824   NA  165
(Intercept)-NOCA   -3.2619 0.3955 -4.0330 -3.2549 -2.4441   NA  126
(Intercept)-NOMO   -3.4572 0.4174 -4.3155 -3.4262 -2.7024   NA  136
(Intercept)-RBWO   -2.4497 0.2391 -2.8964 -2.4531 -1.9873   NA  225
(Intercept)-RHWO   -4.2226 0.4960 -5.2637 -4.1740 -3.3004   NA  223
(Intercept)-WEVI   -2.7760 0.4616 -3.7079 -2.7549 -1.9194   NA   60
scale(forest)-EATO  0.1896 0.1018 -0.0054  0.1916  0.3957   NA  117
scale(forest)-EAME  0.2330 0.1237  0.0051  0.2299  0.4829   NA  252
scale(forest)-AMCR  0.0493 0.2276 -0.3958  0.0463  0.4860   NA 1033
scale(forest)-BACS -0.0240 0.1936 -0.3911 -0.0314  0.3735   NA  113
scale(forest)-CARW -0.1200 0.1478 -0.4094 -0.1192  0.1620   NA  417
scale(forest)-COGD -0.3197 0.2275 -0.7801 -0.3122  0.1180   NA  330
scale(forest)-CONI -0.1129 0.2132 -0.5714 -0.1059  0.2808   NA  429
scale(forest)-COYE  0.0484 0.1279 -0.1912  0.0490  0.2956   NA  308
scale(forest)-EABL -0.0583 0.1643 -0.3884 -0.0566  0.2609   NA  263
scale(forest)-GCFL -0.0025 0.1369 -0.2678  0.0029  0.2550   NA  682
scale(forest)-MODO -0.2045 0.1064 -0.4119 -0.2008 -0.0001   NA  474
scale(forest)-NOCA  0.0243 0.1824 -0.3299  0.0246  0.3957   NA  702
scale(forest)-NOMO  0.2857 0.1888 -0.0859  0.2751  0.6667   NA  596
scale(forest)-RBWO -0.1655 0.1292 -0.4098 -0.1609  0.0831   NA  756
scale(forest)-RHWO -0.6537 0.3002 -1.3105 -0.6196 -0.1003   NA  392
scale(forest)-WEVI  0.0471 0.2245 -0.4047  0.0550  0.4806   NA  418
scale(grass)-EATO   0.0578 0.1211 -0.1815  0.0567  0.2919   NA   97
scale(grass)-EAME   0.3293 0.1412  0.0634  0.3200  0.6181   NA  260
scale(grass)-AMCR  -0.1523 0.2335 -0.6134 -0.1488  0.3148   NA  841
scale(grass)-BACS   0.0154 0.2330 -0.4342  0.0096  0.4953   NA  127
scale(grass)-CARW  -0.2192 0.1676 -0.5459 -0.2158  0.1186   NA  277
scale(grass)-COGD   0.0465 0.2447 -0.4291  0.0399  0.5264   NA  372
scale(grass)-CONI   0.2772 0.2864 -0.2728  0.2738  0.8331   NA  337
scale(grass)-COYE  -0.0996 0.1550 -0.4126 -0.0999  0.2028   NA  246
scale(grass)-EABL  -0.0164 0.1992 -0.4015 -0.0198  0.3641   NA  248
scale(grass)-GCFL  -0.1387 0.1354 -0.3924 -0.1415  0.1241   NA  446
scale(grass)-MODO   0.1982 0.1207 -0.0339  0.1951  0.4306   NA  472
scale(grass)-NOCA  -0.0470 0.1962 -0.4403 -0.0482  0.3125   NA  367
scale(grass)-NOMO   1.2006 0.2533  0.7053  1.2114  1.6753   NA  242
scale(grass)-RBWO  -0.1430 0.1309 -0.3984 -0.1418  0.1189   NA  612
scale(grass)-RHWO  -0.1636 0.2624 -0.6800 -0.1721  0.3517   NA  639
scale(grass)-WEVI  -0.1826 0.2255 -0.6300 -0.1731  0.2424   NA  163

Detection (log scale): 
                    Mean     SD    2.5%     50%   97.5% Rhat  ESS
(Intercept)-EATO -3.0735 0.0440 -3.1547 -3.0748 -2.9871   NA  196
(Intercept)-EAME -2.8126 0.0710 -2.9412 -2.8146 -2.6739   NA  176
(Intercept)-AMCR -2.1241 0.2475 -2.5106 -2.1612 -1.5405   NA  292
(Intercept)-BACS -2.7598 0.0805 -2.9183 -2.7585 -2.6004   NA  268
(Intercept)-CARW -2.5374 0.0934 -2.7119 -2.5399 -2.3398   NA  243
(Intercept)-COGD -2.7504 0.1531 -3.0250 -2.7550 -2.4356   NA  179
(Intercept)-CONI -2.6880 0.1751 -3.0070 -2.6947 -2.3248   NA  180
(Intercept)-COYE -2.7319 0.0814 -2.8865 -2.7341 -2.5611   NA  211
(Intercept)-EABL -2.8161 0.1030 -3.0007 -2.8184 -2.6142   NA  256
(Intercept)-GCFL -2.2070 0.1437 -2.4360 -2.2258 -1.8773   NA  140
(Intercept)-MODO -2.5372 0.0738 -2.6703 -2.5402 -2.3873   NA  263
(Intercept)-NOCA -2.1290 0.2098 -2.4668 -2.1544 -1.6829   NA  220
(Intercept)-NOMO -2.2674 0.1515 -2.5269 -2.2805 -1.9221   NA  249
(Intercept)-RBWO -2.1025 0.1540 -2.3500 -2.1129 -1.8002   NA  176
(Intercept)-RHWO -2.2960 0.2336 -2.6770 -2.3180 -1.7718   NA  328
(Intercept)-WEVI -2.5815 0.1335 -2.8255 -2.5871 -2.3124   NA  211
scale(wind)-EATO -0.0434 0.0371 -0.1137 -0.0450  0.0291   NA  639
scale(wind)-EAME  0.0592 0.0432 -0.0212  0.0598  0.1435   NA  366
scale(wind)-AMCR -0.0172 0.1305 -0.2654 -0.0239  0.2488   NA 1000
scale(wind)-BACS -0.0895 0.0884 -0.2600 -0.0894  0.0799   NA  689
scale(wind)-CARW -0.0549 0.0705 -0.1888 -0.0521  0.0816   NA  572
scale(wind)-COGD  0.0907 0.0965 -0.0833  0.0846  0.2959   NA 1081
scale(wind)-CONI  0.0420 0.0999 -0.1378  0.0434  0.2519   NA  801
scale(wind)-COYE -0.0239 0.0694 -0.1566 -0.0233  0.1072   NA  761
scale(wind)-EABL  0.0247 0.0840 -0.1460  0.0254  0.1896   NA  885
scale(wind)-GCFL -0.0389 0.0696 -0.1735 -0.0384  0.1002   NA 1000
scale(wind)-MODO -0.0612 0.0499 -0.1627 -0.0627  0.0458   NA  770
scale(wind)-NOCA -0.1354 0.1218 -0.3659 -0.1354  0.1066   NA  754
scale(wind)-NOMO  0.1996 0.0865  0.0625  0.1913  0.4034   NA  583
scale(wind)-RBWO  0.0526 0.0833 -0.0970  0.0482  0.2290   NA  648
scale(wind)-RHWO -0.1773 0.1613 -0.5070 -0.1730  0.1393   NA 1000
scale(wind)-WEVI -0.0786 0.0890 -0.2570 -0.0777  0.0914   NA  709

    Spatial Covariance
       Mean    SD  2.5%   50% 97.5% Rhat ESS
phi-1 4e-04 1e-04 3e-04 3e-04 5e-04   NA 734

Posterior predictive checks

We again use the ppcAbund() function perform a posterior predictive check of our model <- ppcAbund(, fit.stat = 'chi-squared', group = 1)
Currently on species 1 out of 16
Currently on species 2 out of 16
Currently on species 3 out of 16
Currently on species 4 out of 16
Currently on species 5 out of 16
Currently on species 6 out of 16
Currently on species 7 out of 16
Currently on species 8 out of 16
Currently on species 9 out of 16
Currently on species 10 out of 16
Currently on species 11 out of 16
Currently on species 12 out of 16
Currently on species 13 out of 16
Currently on species 14 out of 16
Currently on species 15 out of 16
Currently on species 16 out of 16
# Summarize with a Bayesian p-value

ppcAbund(object =, fit.stat = "chi-squared", group = 1)

Samples per Chain: 50000
Burn-in: 20000
Thinning Rate: 30
Number of Chains: 1
Total Posterior Samples: 1000

    Community Level
Bayesian p-value:  0.5062 

    Species Level
EATO Bayesian p-value: 0.248
EAME Bayesian p-value: 0.317
AMCR Bayesian p-value: 0.228
BACS Bayesian p-value: 0.496
CARW Bayesian p-value: 0.6
COGD Bayesian p-value: 0.339
CONI Bayesian p-value: 0.677
COYE Bayesian p-value: 0.463
EABL Bayesian p-value: 0.409
GCFL Bayesian p-value: 0.693
MODO Bayesian p-value: 0.428
NOCA Bayesian p-value: 0.414
NOMO Bayesian p-value: 0.897
RBWO Bayesian p-value: 0.73
RHWO Bayesian p-value: 0.65
WEVI Bayesian p-value: 0.511
Fit statistic:  chi-squared 

Model selection using WAIC

We again use waicAbund() to compare models. Below we compare the latent factor multi-species HDS model to the spatial factor multi-species HDS model.

# With latent factors
waicAbund(, by.sp = TRUE)
N.max not specified. Setting upper index of integration of N to 10 plus
the largest estimated abundance value at each site in object$N.samples
Currently on species 1 out of 16
Currently on species 2 out of 16
Currently on species 3 out of 16
Currently on species 4 out of 16
Currently on species 5 out of 16
Currently on species 6 out of 16
Currently on species 7 out of 16
Currently on species 8 out of 16
Currently on species 9 out of 16
Currently on species 10 out of 16
Currently on species 11 out of 16
Currently on species 12 out of 16
Currently on species 13 out of 16
Currently on species 14 out of 16
Currently on species 15 out of 16
Currently on species 16 out of 16
         elpd        pD      WAIC
1  -251.41364 32.232430 567.29214
2  -154.92031  8.240509 326.32165
3   -43.42008  5.617762  98.07569
4  -126.15607 24.205398 300.72294
5  -129.42362  8.948662 276.74456
6   -48.06946  5.282682 106.70429
7   -44.94058 10.399852 110.68087
8  -147.46988  5.892217 306.72419
9   -85.37152  5.226845 181.19673
10 -137.73898  5.775653 287.02926
11 -182.06488  6.790577 377.71091
12  -73.63756  8.869001 165.01312
13  -80.06064  3.522127 167.16553
14 -137.66758  3.973684 283.28254
15  -36.66088  4.481308  82.28438
16  -72.48177  9.716312 164.39616
# Without latent factors
waicAbund(, by.sp = TRUE)
N.max not specified. Setting upper index of integration of N to 10 plus
the largest estimated abundance value at each site in object$N.samples
Currently on species 1 out of 16
Currently on species 2 out of 16
Currently on species 3 out of 16
Currently on species 4 out of 16
Currently on species 5 out of 16
Currently on species 6 out of 16
Currently on species 7 out of 16
Currently on species 8 out of 16
Currently on species 9 out of 16
Currently on species 10 out of 16
Currently on species 11 out of 16
Currently on species 12 out of 16
Currently on species 13 out of 16
Currently on species 14 out of 16
Currently on species 15 out of 16
Currently on species 16 out of 16
         elpd        pD      WAIC
1  -254.91369 13.709912 537.24720
2  -159.15397  6.270188 330.84832
3   -43.95353  5.243989  98.39503
4  -113.56163 17.563512 262.25028
5  -126.55172  7.764385 268.63221
6   -48.62310  4.520941 106.28808
7   -41.57063  6.953280  97.04782
8  -144.67232  6.044090 301.43281
9   -82.70825  4.899773 175.21604
10 -140.01107  5.009332 290.04080
11 -183.80578  5.700747 379.01305
12  -78.11951  6.349451 168.93792
13  -77.20697  3.701811 161.81756
14 -137.44727  3.947557 282.78964
15  -37.00395  3.883113  81.77413
16  -71.24663  8.028302 158.54987


Prediction is the same as what we saw with lfMsDS(), where the main arguments to the predict() function are the resulting model fit object, a design matrix of covariates at the prediction location (X.0), and the spatial coordinates of the prediction locations. See ?predict.sfMsDS for more information on additional arguments for prediction with spatial factor multi-species HDS models.

# Note this takes a fair amount of memory to execute (not run) <- predict(, X.0, coords.0)


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